Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92859 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Gray Kemmey

    Demotivate Yourself

    So if you’re like me you neverĀ hesitateĀ kill a spider when you see one, and I have feeling Peter Parker was probably the same way. He was just really [..]
  2. Gray Kemmey

    Image With a Message

    And I didn’t have to Google anything! This one was much simpler. GIMP has an obvious tool for creating a text layer on top of an image. Anyways, [..]
  3. Gray Kemmey

    Splash the Color

    OK, I have always thought these kinds of pictures looked really really cool, but I never new how to do it. Not anymore! Again I googled for how [..]
  4. Gray Kemmey

    Comic Book Image

    This was my first photo assignment and the goal was to make a picture look “comic-booky”. I used this picture because it was already nicely gridded, much like [..]
  5. Gray Kemmey

    Web 2.0 Response

    So the term “Web 2.0″ struck me as vague and nondescript, so the first thing I did when starting the assignment was look up “Web 2.0″ on Wikipedia. [..]
  6. Gray Kemmey

    My Keys

    The Daily Create for yesterday was to talk about our keys. Watch the video to find out about the cars I drive regularly. There can only be a [..]
  7. Gray Kemmey

    Set Up

    So my process was fairly simple. I essentially followed the instructions under “Assignment 1″. I had some things done before from previous projects. I already had the domain [..]

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