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  1. Ryan Godhigh

    Final Assessment

    In this final assessment of my English class I've decided to discuss the goals that I have achieved in this course and even the ones that I haven’t.  This course in itself has been a very different and difficult one at t...
  2. Ryan Godhigh

    Final Assessment

    In this final assessment of my English class I've decided to discuss the goals that I have achieved in this course and even the ones that I haven’t.  This course in itself has been a very different and difficult one at t...
  3. Ryan Godhigh

    Meme Assignment

    For this visual project which is called What’s The Meme instructs me to find a previous picture or to create my own and put captions in it to make it funny. I myself love these types of pictures because they either include a funny caption(s) or a fun...
  4. Ryan Godhigh

    Meme Assignment

    For this visual project which is called What’s The Meme instructs me to find a previous picture or to create my own and put captions in it to make it funny. I myself love these types of pictures because they either include a funny caption(s) or a fun...
  5. Ryan Godhigh

    Before & After

    AfterOuch!!!!!!!!BeforeAhhhhhhhh.......See this picture doesn't explain the pain or agony that came with me slamming my wrist in the doorway. I enjoyed doing this project because it allowed me to take pictures and have imaginative f...
  6. Ryan Godhigh

    Before & After

    AfterOuch!!!!!!!!BeforeAhhhhhhhh.......See this picture doesn't explain the pain or agony that came with me slamming my wrist in the doorway. I enjoyed doing this project because it allowed me to take pictures and have imaginative f...
  7. Ryan Godhigh

    Optical Illusion

    For this blog post I decided to do an optical illusion off of the DS 106 website. As you can see I used my library on campus to create this picture of me holding it from a distance. I love taking pictures like this because it tricks peoples eyes and mi...
  8. Ryan Godhigh

    DS 106: Visual Assignment

    The DS106 assignment that I chose for my next blog post coming up is the visual because for one its in my niche of things I'm good at on the computer. Secondly, I've always been good at visual assignments on the computer or off to be honest. My best vi...
  9. Ryan Godhigh

    Sports Related To My Writing Life

    Ever since my first day of football practice as a young child to now, sports have been my life. My dad played football in his earlier age and as soon as me and my older brother got to be the right age to play he automatically put us on every athletic s...
  10. Ryan Godhigh

    The Effects Of Music On My Writing

    Most music that sounds cliche, average or not good at all is probably because of the writing that has been associated with it. Back in the day music had lyrics that were written by legends like Bob Dylan, Paul Simon and Leonard Cohen, but some artists ...
  11. Ryan Godhigh

    How My Grandmother Taught Me How To Write

    When your learning to write as a young child you tend to look up to someone to teach their wisdom to you so that you can achieve in writing as well. In this case I looked up to was my grandmother who was an extraordinary writer in are family....
  12. Ryan Godhigh

    Blogs vs. Term Papers

    If I had a choice on whether to do an 5 page paper or an 300 - 400 word blog I would definitely choose the blog only because the length and how long it would take me to write an A+ essay for class. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would pick to write ...
  13. Ryan Godhigh

    Challenges Of An Online Course

    In college most students won't choose an online course their first year because of the non traditional class setting that comes along with the course. There are some challenges that come with a online course that many wouldn't know going into...
  14. Ryan Godhigh

    My Life As A Writer

     As a writer starting from the first grade all the way into the last year of college and so on from there, you learn how to truly perfect your writing purpose and style. When I first started writing all the way back to second grade, I knew that I ...
  15. Ryan Godhigh

    Writing Style Weakness

    My biggest weakness mentioned from the blog i read from professors sassers class would be the rambling section. When I'm writing a long paper I mostly over due it and use to many words to get the point across. from the narrative essays to the persuasiv...

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