Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92741 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Hans Aagard

    ds106 assignment 2b

    It’s probably an indication of how bolted down things are that hearing Gardner Campbell talk about how each students should have their own domain and narrate/aggregate their educational experience sounds like he’s ready to start a revolution. It’s not that crazy. It’s an online eportfolio that students have complete control over and overall is likely ...
  2. Hans Aagard

    ds106 assignment 2a

    Back from the dead. Here’s assignment 2 – a) I’ve got a bunch of plugins already installed (including Akismet, which seems to be working pretty well, and a Twitter tool) but this was a good kick in the pants to get the Google plugin going and the Subscribe to Comment plugin. I thought it was ...
  3. Hans Aagard

    Prelinger Archives Idea

    This post by NoiseProfessor in the DS106 feed reminded me of how I used one of the old instructional videos and chopped it up to advertise for a summer class years ago. I used to show it to students. I still don’t know why there are pioneers at the end. The trick is if you ...
  4. Hans Aagard

    five card flickr story

    Here’s the challenge, and here’s my attempt: Even though you get to choose the images, the challenge is, how much does the image need to relate to the story? At the end I took a left turn, and it’s probably my favorite part. Update:...
  5. Hans Aagard

    Random Acts of Strangeness

    Errands tonight. At the store the wife and Child 1 went in and Child 2 and I waited in the car, mainly because he doesn’t mind it. He crawls back and forth from the front seat to the back seat, pretends to drive, etc. I had him on my lap and he was ‘driving’ – ...
  6. Hans Aagard

    Imma MOOC it up!

    I’ve joined a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) before but didn’t get too far into it. Imma try it again with Digital Storytelling 106. The content is compelling, as are the people. Jim Groom, who I follow pretty regularly lately, is leading it, and Stephen Downes, who I follow regularly, is participating. It’s also nice ...
  7. Hans Aagard

    Yeah, Yeah, I Know. End of the University.

    So the question I’m thinking about some these days is will I be out of a job in 10 years when all learning is online and all students need is a content expert who can throw together their content into learning modules that are so easy to use that they just think intently at their ...
  8. Hans Aagard

    You Make the Call – Artsy Indie Album Edition

    Sometimes Pitchfork and I see eye-to-eye and sometimes not. I’m actually genuinely surprised, though, that they had my six on this one (them writing their review roughly 10 years ago, me writing mine this week): But let’s skip all this classification and reification of “horrible” and cut to the chase: Joan of Arc make unlistenable ...
  9. Hans Aagard

    iPad Not Bad. iPad Good.

    So for my birthday a couple of weeks ago I asked for (begged for and prepped my wife for for a long time and then went and picked out myself) an iPad. I’m not sure if it’s the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, but it’s pretty close. I can’t exactly say I know the space it holds ...
  10. Hans Aagard

    Music Cleanup Update.

    I’m down to 38.58 GB. Recent removals: Jack Drag – Aviating. Something I picked up during a psychedelic music phase and can’t put up with any more. The Roger Sisters – Purely Evil. I really only liked the song Zero Point (below). Joan of Arc – The Gap. Because it’s unlisteneable. Poster Children – DDD. I ...
  11. Hans Aagard

    Addams Family makes my kids laugh nervously.

    Or at least one kid. My older daughter, who I don’t remember if I’ve come up with a clever Euphimism Name for (like Sparky, or Precious, or whatever) so I’ll just call her The Older One, seemed ok with it. But I had the weirdest sensation while watching that cousin It was actually spooky. You ...
  12. Hans Aagard

    Cleaning the Closets on my Digital Music

    I’m cleaning the closets on my digital music. I know. It’s FASCINATING. So I have roughly, at current count, 41.54 GB of (legal! I always emphasize) music. And podcasts. More podcasts than I thought. (Good postcasts: Mark Kermodes Film Reviews, Martini Shot, The Story.) And I’m going through them because I’m starting to run out ...

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