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  1. James Cruz

    Analyze a Movie

    The movie I have chosen to analyze is the Dark Knight. I was looking through the list of AFI’s top 100 movies and I was going to use an older movie like Casablanca or something along those lines but I thought it would be more suitable to analyze a more … Continue reading
  2. James Cruz

    Update on Radio show

    The radio show is coming together very nicely. During our first meeting Sarah came up with the idea to do a radio show concerning the existence of aliens. She even had a friend who had extensive knowledge of aliens and their possible existence. We figured out the structure of the … Continue reading
  3. James Cruz

    Movie Voice Machines

    3 Star Assignment Process I knew from the beginning I wanted to make a voicemail of the legend….wait for it… DARY character known as Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother. I looked up several youtube videos of Barney to familiarize myself with Barneys character again. From there I … Continue reading
  4. James Cruz

    Over-Dramatic Reading

    2 Star Process For this video I had to first think of a good idea. I first considered using Harry Potter or possibly the Matrix. However, after sifting through youtube videos I realized the old anime  dragonball z offered some very memorable speeches. The most memorable of which is Goku’s … Continue reading
  5. James Cruz

    May I take Your Order

    1 Star Process Not really too much to report on the process. I already knew how to make a good Hispanic accent, since I am Hispanic ;0. Went to soundcloud and started recording with no real plan. I just said the first words that seemed natural to me and I believe it … Continue reading
  6. James Cruz

    Daily Create Week 4

    2/12/2012- Friend’s Tattoo 2/11/2012- Human hand 2/10/2012- Confusion 2/9/2012- n/a 2/8/2012- Happiest Moment of my life 2/7/2012- Place where I lose things 2/6/2012- MLK Upside Down
  7. James Cruz

    Daily Create Week 5

    Student life-2/19/2012 Prized Possession-2/18/2012 2/17/2012-n/a =( 2/16/2012-=) 2/15/2012- How Old I Feel 2-14-2012-Toy in action 2/13/2012- Food being eaten in an uncoventional
  8. James Cruz

    One Story Four Icons

    Three Star Assignment Process This project was not too much work on designing the actual picture, rather as Adam Levine said it requires effort for us to conceptualize a story or event into 4 symbols. Something that was not mentioned was the sheer plethora of choices we had. It took … Continue reading
  9. James Cruz

    DS106 Movie Poster

    Three Star Assignment Process Okay by far this is the hardest and most difficult project I tried to do. I know this picture is not impressive at all but I did try my best to figure it out. The first difficulty I had with this project was finding a suitable … Continue reading
  10. James Cruz

    Child Head Swap

    Two Star Assignment: Parent-Child Headswap Inspiration Hhahahaha, I have to do this. That was the first thought I had when I saw this assignment suggestion. Originally this picture is of my father, my older brother and I. My father is the older man, I am on the left and my … Continue reading
  11. James Cruz

    Ted Talk Assignment

    Three Star Assignment   Inspiration This assignment will hopefully complete the Fantasy Ted Talk that is worth three stars =). (Three more Jim Groom) I would have never come up with replacing the speaker and content of a typical TED talk to whatever we desire. As a side note I … Continue reading
  12. James Cruz

    Dream Assignment

    Two Star Assignment Inspiration I made this picture in order to complete the Dream Visualization assignment. (Awesome idea btw!) Recently I had a dream where I was married to someone. Just being married is not necessarily a nightmare in itself. In this dream scenario I was married to a wife … Continue reading
  13. James Cruz

    Experimenting with my Blog

    It did not take very long to install all the plugins and activate them. The only application that I was not able to install easily was twitter tools. I have tried playing with it but I have yet to find a solution to installing it correctly. Perhaps when I do I will make a tutorial ...
  14. James Cruz

    Response to Campbell

    The first thing I noticed in this talk was the sheer lack of understanding on my part. I am assuming the speaker of this video and paper assumed his audience would be familiar with his terms, otherwise I must say he should have defined his terms earlier in his talk. However, as others have noted ...
  15. James Cruz

    Week 1: Assignments

    The process of buying a domain, webhost, installing wordpress,etc, should have been a difficult process. However, there were useful guides with pictures to point us in the right direction when we are confused. Moreover, Jim Groom was always willing to … Continue reading

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