Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @kerauch8

    Our 5th and Final Week!

    Well, this course has finally come to an end. Some much time and effort was put into this class in assignments, daily creates, and various readings or videos. We were given such an extensive list of resources for every topic we covered and could go in depth as we wanted to. I learned so much […]
  2. @kerauch8

    Everything I Learned and More

    To start off I want to go into more detail about my final project and the pieces that put it together. I chose 5 assignments out of the assignment bank to weave together and create a story. Visual Assignments: My final story contained 2 visual assignments. The first one I create was the picture of […]
  3. @kerauch8

    The Journey to UMW

    There are many different stages in life that can cause so many emotions all at once. Emotions like stress, happiness, sadness, nervousness, joy, enthusiasm, or anger. You can’t choose to feel all of these emotions but you can choose which ones you let affect you. That’s what she decided to do. It was her senior […]
  4. @kerauch8

    The Sound of Getting into College

    The full assignment is linked and listed in its entirety below: This is a short and simple assignment. Most everyone uses freesound for various audio assignments, but sometimes, you cannot find quite what you are looking for. This assignment is to upload your own sound or sound effect to freesound, preferably something which is lacking. This assignment […]
  5. @kerauch8

    Take a trip to UMW

    The full assignment is linked and listed in its entirety below: Where is somewhere that you have always dreamed of going? I really like travelling, and I often think about where I would go if I had all the money in the world. Do a video montage of images and/or video of the places that you would […]
  6. @kerauch8

    10 Step Collage

    The full assignment is linked and listed in its entirety below: Take ten steps in any direction and with each step take one photo. Think about angles and lighting to create interesting photographs. Don’t forget the Rule of Thirds! Create a collage in a photo editor. This assignment is worth 3 stars. The first step in this […]
  7. @kerauch8

    Advertisement for Open House!

    The full assignment is linked and listed in its entirety below: Create a poster for an up coming event. This assignment is worth 4 stars. I wanted to choose a broad assignment to be able to create whatever I needed to for this assignment. This open-ended advertisement let me do this. The first step in this assignment […]
  8. @kerauch8

    Can You See What I See Tutorial

    The full assignment is linked and is listed in its entirety below: Find or take a photo of an eye. Take another image of whatever you want, and overlay the image onto the eye. Make the image in the eye smaller so that it looks like a reflection in the person’s eye. Turning down the opacity of the […]
  9. @kerauch8

    What a Week it Has Been!!!

    Week 4 is complete and now we move on to the Final Project portion of the course! For this week, I learned a lot about film techniques and how much of an impact they have on a piece of work. I have always been under the impression that the work itself is the main focus and […]
  10. @kerauch8

    Look. Listen. Analyze.

    This reflection proved to be my favorite assignment of the week. Being able to incorporate what we learned this week into analyzing a movie clip ourselves was very telling to how much we had learned. For this assignment, we analyzed the clip in three different ways. First: Analyze the camera work. The goal of this […]
  11. @kerauch8

    Just Keep Swimming

    For this video assignment, the objective was to make a moving object using Vine. This being my first project using the app, I started off by making a few sample vines to understand the recording options and settings. I was able to take still images of the fish and make it look like they were moving or […]
  12. @kerauch8


    This daily create came on the perfect day for me! Any other day this week, would have been an ordinary day. I would have walked to campus for my other course, I would have been around Fredericksburg a little, nothing super interesting. But not today… #dailycreate #ds106 #tdc1650 My travels for the day! @ds106dc […]
  13. @kerauch8


    Gave this daily create my best shot! Continuous line art adds the the difficulty of drawing, for me at least. #tdc1649 @ds106dc Continuous line art flower #ds106 #dailycreate — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 14, 2016 For this, I tried multiple designs and this seemed to work best. Not picking up the pen the entire […]
  14. @kerauch8

    A Story of Words

    For this assignment, 5-10 words were chosen at random. These words were then google searched and an image for this word was chosen. The words and images were then used to create a video and story to mesh all these random words together! The 7 random words I came up with for this assignment are as follows: […]
  15. @kerauch8

    How to Read a Movie

    Roger Ebert’s How to Read a Movie was such an informative resource as a baseline for reading movies. I am a movie lover, always have been. I have been unaware of every little detail that goes into film making and how important all of these elements are. One line that stood out to me was when he […]
  16. @kerauch8


    For today’s daily create, I used a little help from snapchat. #ds106 @ds106dc My critical face selfie as I study Physics (with a little help from Snapchat) #tdc1648 #dailycreate — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 13, 2016 This critical selfie goes out to all of the physics I’ll be studying tonight and shows exactly how I feel […]
  17. @kerauch8


    For this assignment, I had to do a little research. I’m not sure about you guys but I am not familiar with Commodore 64. Using the link on the assignment page, I did do a little research before creating the daily create. We all know that technology has progressed a great deal since 1982. I was very impressed […]
  18. @kerauch8

    More than Halfway Done!

    Week 3 has come to an end and may I say I am impressed. I am impressed with Audio and every little detail that goes into the works of a great story. First let me start by summarizing what I learned this week. I don’t know where to start because I have learned so much […]
  19. @kerauch8

    What This Week Has Taught Me

    I’m not exactly sure if the feedback we are reflecting on is about our comments on others blogs or the comments left on ours. That being said, I will do a little bit of both. This week I have had the most contact with the other members of this course via the blogs. I’m not […]
  20. @kerauch8

    Rhythm with Things

    For my other audio assignment, I made a song with Audacity using random household items. This assignment was worth 4 stars. I’ll start by explaining a little bit about what I used for this assignment. When I read the description, I knew I had to do this! I love the idea of using non-music items to create […]
  21. @kerauch8

    Audio Story

    For my first audio assignment, I created a story only using sound effects. Having some previous experience in iMovie, I was able to make the audio story there and then upload it to sound cloud. This assignment is listed as 4.5 stars. You are out of town for the week on vacation in Florida and you have someone […]
  22. @kerauch8


    #dailycreate @ds106dc Once upon a time there was a monkey and a dog…… #tdc1645 #ds106 — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 10, 2016 For the daily create for today, this picture was used to create a story for this image. For everyone that doesn’t know from my previous post about animals, I am a dog person. But […]
  23. @kerauch8

    Getting Away With It Audio Reflection

    Getting Away With It is episode 477 for This American Life. After the reflection this week on Ira Glass and learning from his videos about Audio Storytelling, I thought I would choose my audio story for the list of episodes of This American Life. As I began listening to the episode, it was clear I needed to shut off every background […]
  24. @kerauch8


    #dailycreate @ds106dc National Get Everything you want Day aka TREAT YOURSELF DAY #tdc1642 — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 7, 2016 Now for this daily create, I only wish it was true. A day where there was no worries...
  25. @kerauch8


    OHHH YEAAHHHHH!!!! What a fun daily create that got us using some audio! #dailycreate #tdc1641 Ohhhhhh yeaaahhhhhhh @ds106dc — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 7, 2016 Go ahead and listen directly here and check out my so...
  26. @kerauch8

    Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad Reflection

    I listened to Ira Glass on Storytelling parts 1, 2 and 3. One major building block he emphasizes is anecdote. He describes this as a sequence of events and how stories should be told. I thought a really interesting point he makes is that even if you are telling “the most boring story in the world”, when […]
  27. @kerauch8


    #dailycreate YoungMeNowMe ft. my little sister as well! @ds106dc #ds106 #tdc1640 — Katie Rauchwarg (@kerauch8) July 5, 2016 As I was searching for a young me photo to do this gem came up! At least my sister doesn’t seem as scared of the river anymore…
  28. @kerauch8

    Week 2 Done!

    This week was equally informative and difficult for me. As I was able to do bits and pieces of the assignments all week, I did have to complete a large amount of the work on Sunday. With the 1st being Friday, this weekend was taken up by my move across town. Let me just say, you […]
  29. @kerauch8

    Design Blitz

    For this weeks Design Blitz assignment, I learned a lot about the elements of design. Starting this weeks assignment off, Vignelli’s piece was very informative and helpful when it came to the design blitz. Before I go into detail on my photos from this week, I want to describe some of the resources I enjoyed the […]
  30. @kerauch8

    Cartoon-ify!: 2 Stars

    The link to the whole assignment can be found here. The goal of this assignment is to choose any subject you want and replace the head with a cartoon head. For this assignment, I decided to replace the heads of my friend and I with animals. The original picture is shown above and shows the normal […]

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