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  1. @Kim

    Final Project

    Here are some infographics explaining the accuracies and inaccuracies about the way that the film Born on the Fourth of July shows the experience of Vietnam era America.
  2. @Kim

    As A Source

    Primary Source: As a primary source for the 90s, Saving Private Ryan works very well. The movie was made and released at a time when the World War II was being discussed and remembered after the 50th anniversary of D-Day a few years earlier reminded people that not many WWII vets were still alive, or […]
  3. @Kim

    Compared to History

    The true historical accuracy of the film lies not in the greater story, but in the details, given that the film was loosely based on a real incident and never claimed to tell a true story. When it comes to the story, the movie is based on the story of the Niland brothers, one of […]
  4. @Kim

    The Film

    The film Saving Private Ryan was released in 1998 from director Steven Spielberg and starred a large handful of big names in Hollywood including, Tom Hanks, Edward Burns, Matt Damon, and Tom Sizemore. The movie is based on a true story from WWII about four brothers who joined the armed forces and led the government […]
  5. @Kim


    Arkin, Daniel. “Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks on the Legacy of ‘Saving Private Ryan’ The Oscar-winning director and star look back on the seminal, kinetic World War II drama.” NBC News, May 31, 2019. Auster, Albert. “Saving Private Ryan and American Triumphalism.” Journal of Popular Film & Television 30, 2 (2002): 98. Ebert, Roger. “Tom […]
  6. @Kim

    My Future in History

    As this semester comes closer and closer to ending I have to start thinking about what in History interests me the most looking ahead. Thinking about my past assignments and what I enjoy I honestly cannot say that there is not a singular thing that I like more than others, I enjoy learning about World […]
  7. @Kim


    So one of my assignments is to create a timeline for this website. Another is to write a literature review on my topic of Holocaust Denial. So here we go. 🙂
  8. @Kim

    My Favorite Methodology

    So the prompt is to pick my favorite methodology or historiographical school and talk about it and how it fits in history and so on. I honestly don’t know how to answer that question though, I like the study of history on its own and I don’t have a favorite topic or time period, I […]
  9. @Kim

    The Utility of Digital Tools

    So the topic this time around is to discuss how digital tools are beneficial to the professional world, naturally being a history class of history majors the focus being more on the historical profession than anything else. I had to look up the definition for digital tools to make sure I had it right…I did […]
  10. @Kim

    How Much Power Shapes an Archive?

    In order to build an archive you have to have some kind of power, this is not saying you have to be a politician or a monarch in order to decide all of what is remembered in history, an archive can be considered whatever is saved in order to make memories or provide like you […]
  11. @Kim

    The History of Why I like History

    When I was in high school, I thought I wanted to be a marine biologist, it was something that had always seemed fun and exciting to me. I had always been interested in History, however, I was one of those strange kids that liked history and science rather than history and English or math and […]
  12. @Kim

    The Story of Mickey

    For my final project I decided to tell the story of Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse using the new knowledge I learned about digital storytelling, some online resources, and my own knowledge of the Mouse himself. I will be telling my story through a combined use of written word, photography, video and audio, and design, with …

    Continue reading "The Story of Mickey"

  13. @Kim

    Two and a Half Stars for Pooh (although if we are being honest Pooh deserves at least five)

    So in addition to the twelve audio stars, daily creates, and participation, I also had to do five stars of design work, just to keep my skills sharp. I chose the Favorite Movie Quotes for two and a half stars and I used my favorite quote ever from Poohs Grand Adventure The Search For Christopher …

    Continue reading "Two and a Half Stars for Pooh (although if we are being honest Pooh deserves at least five)"

  14. @Kim

    Going to DC Week 3 Part 2 (once again the daily creates site not the capital)

    So once again the daily creates this half of the week require a fair amount of creativity. Friday, June Eighth I chose to do Fridays daily create which was to write out your name in tifnagh characters. At first I read the assignment and completely skipped over the part where it said write in tifnagh and …

    Continue reading "Going to DC Week 3 Part 2 (once again the daily creates site not the capital)"

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