Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. konarheim

    Designing with Tom Mix in Malaysia

    I had actually started doing this design prior to the official start of #western106 back in October. I was starting to look at cowboys and media.  Tom Mix was the tangent I was reading – who he was etc. I found these in my files as I was cleaning up things. I had forgotten it ... Read more...
  2. konarheim

    #tdc1470 Cowgirl Name Generator – My Intro

    I have been tardy and absent in official Daily Creates. So much for resolutions and keeping up with #western106. In December all were reminded that Daily Create runs on ideas submitted by the community and to “pony up”. I had looked at #western106 types of things and came across a name generator – so I submitted ... Read more...
  3. konarheim

    Westerns: The ride began for me

    Western = what does it mean to me? Excellent question! I am not totally ready to deeply reflect or describe what Westerns mean to me or what I think they are, but I gotta get something down in this first week. Our scout Alan Levine – has a wonderful read or Sandy Brown Jensen a ... Read more...
  4. konarheim

    Watch out for the Trunk! #giffight

    by   This was just calling out too much fun! But by the time I got to it – so many had created and done such awesome solutions that it was intimidating to attempt and hard to think of something that might be different. BUT that is giving up and also remembering this is fun ... Read more...
  5. konarheim

    Who’s in dem dar hills?

    The burg saloon will be busy on Saturday nights for the next 3 months. Grab a glass and sit awhile. New hands are arriving from the East with head scout @phb256 Paul Bond from UMW. They are getting their connects set up and starting to ride in. These pups are earning their keep and will ... Read more...
  6. konarheim

    Cowgirl Selfie TDC1451

    Daily Create #1451 – Cowgirl Selfie Wearing my #western106 hat. #western106 may or may not take place – but I am getting my gear ready so I am prepared.
  7. konarheim

    Transitions, wrap ups, and beginnings!

    August: – time for wrapping up the short summer and bringing projects to completion. -time for family and making memories with visits and activities. -time to panic about not being ready for the new adventures of fall -AHHHH!!! So much going on and all fun and important! As family is arriving for visits – I ... Read more
  8. konarheim

    Change of Seasons – Switching up and Radio

    Wow – where did the summer go? Burgeron106 is being hit by a hurricane! The Village is without a number 2 and the Philosopher – Christina Hendricks,  has pulled things together for the group left in the Village. The new UMW students are gearing up for #ds106tales and digital storytelling 106. As a transition from the holiday ... Read more
  9. konarheim

    Wearing down to becoming Village Resident

    A rather odd week it seems. Several independent things all together just making it odd. Or maybe it is settling into balance #4life by remembering to look up and see what else is going on and other creation possibilities not necessarily tied to No. 6 or tales of fairies. Video  – a time for definite ... Read more
  10. konarheim

    Daily Create and the Goldilocks Principle

    TDC1298– Make a drawing with a cut out for clothing. Take a photo of your  card and environment to complete the image Well – sort of took liberties. I did not do a drawing only a photo. Short on paper and drawing utensils and didn’t think of my Paper53 until after doing this. I found paperdoll ... Read more
  11. konarheim

    Cowlerful Dreams – TDC1297

    For Karen Fasimpaur and July28,2015 #ds106 Daily Create to remix a photo of a cow: Original cow photo flickr photo by shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license Photos of Cow and Bull layered into sky  are original paintings and photos by KOnarheim (me) Creative Commons license 4 Cropped and copied photos of the paintings. ... Read more
  12. konarheim

    Passing time in the Village – Chicken GIF

    A relaxing day in the Village while No. 2 is missing. Not as productive as @byzantinebooks, I saw that he spent the day working in his bungalow as well. Then I saw @iamTalkyTina posting the catapulting chickens so decided to work on getting my chicken to actually cross the road. Still trying to figure out the ... Read more
  13. konarheim

    Fairytale Writing -DS106 All the Way!

    Thanks to all for making my DS106 world real. I hope you enjoy the Fairy Tale of the journey so far. I created this while hanging out in my bungalow in the Village for the Bovine FairyTale Festival (hoping it counts for credits in both!) Well – the week to stretch some skills has come ... Read more
  14. konarheim

    Episode Book Cover – Hammer Into Anvil

    Design Assignment for Week 4 Out of the two choices of the “to do” assignments – I chose the book cover recreating  the aesthetic of Spacesick . My first thought was the Dance of the Dead episode and having multiple skeletons, a sample was too close to that content and swaying me in replicating instead of creating. While ... Read more
  15. konarheim

    Penny Farthings and Puffins Everywhere

        Penny Farthings  – It is like when you get a new vehicle or a new addition to your life – you begin to see them everywhere when you had thought they were unique. So goes the Penny Farthing. Since summer of Prisoner106 has started I am seeing the dang things everywhere! Cathy Jo Nelson – who ... Read more
  16. konarheim

    Village Architecture Mishaps

     I was out walking on my way to a bungalow design session for #7. I was a little concerned as I don’t know who #7 is or what his history is in the village. After taking the hidden shots of different signs in the Village I have been a little on edge not knowing who ... Read more
  17. konarheim

    Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

    @mdvfunes asked if I had seen any signs on my walks through the Village. I did! – But you know they are watching! So I carefully placed a  camera in my hat and tried to capture some of the signs as best I could for Mariana to research. Because of the covert mission – they ... Read more
  18. konarheim

    Photos of Information – but whose side?

    A photo safari as a resident in the Village is a challenge. It does need looking at the Village differently and in finding meaning in what is right under our noses. Will this assignment keep us from becoming fully assimilated? Or are there hidden subliminal messages in the village to convince us in accepting our stay ... Read more
  19. konarheim

    Seeing Forest Folk x7!

    Icelandic Week at the Bovine County Fairy Tale Festival seems to be causing multiple sightings of wee forest folk! Cousin Ron has hinted that we are not alone in Bovine County – but I am seeing more elves, fairies, and gnomes than terrestrial beings so far. This is a visual assignment from the ds106 assignment ... Read more
  20. konarheim

    Gnomes, The Moon and The Porch

    It is visual assignment week in #burgeron106 and it is Icelandic week as well. That means, gnomes, elves, fairies and more. The poster could be “design” because it is a poster- but I used my own photos to create it. (well – except for NanaLou’s porch) I used a shot of the moon off my ... Read more
  21. konarheim

    3 Bears, A Blonde, and a Fabulous Creative Group

    Final version of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears – A group effort! Putting it at the top of the post – details follow. Within the #burgeron106 summer retreat participants, Mama Boo put a call out to recreate Goldilocks and the 3 Bears as an audio recording. Cousin Ron, Nanalou and Dr. M, and myself  – Bernie Burgeron, ... Read more

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