Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92929 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. miravogel

    Peer review with the Moodle Workshop activity – a close look

    Working with E-Learning Environments, UCL Arena Teaching Associate Programme leaders in CALT have been trialling Workshop (Moodle’s peer assessment tool) to run a peer review activity with participants. We’re now on the second iteration – here are some opportunities and lessons learned. One group is using Moodle Forum, so in a month or so we’ll […]
  2. miravogel

    Teaching translation through editing Wikipedia

    UCL Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS) recently held an event to learn how to contribute to Wikipedia, the encyclopedia anyone can edit. These kinds of events are known as ‘editathons’ – we called ours a ‘translatathon’ because it involved 36 postgraduate translation studies students, all new to editing Wikipedia, translating English women’s health articles into […]
  3. miravogel

    Facebook assassins?

    There is a lot of social media use in higher education – see Rey Junco’s research, for example. One reason for this is summarised by David Wiley: Q: What would happen if Facebook worked like Blackboard? A: Every 15 weeks Facebook would delete all your photos and status updates and unfriend all your friends. So here’s bit of […]
  4. miravogel

    Students – willing and able

    I’ve attended a couple of very interesting UCL Arena Gateway workshops. Their purpose is to familiarise postgraduates who teach with the culture and practices of teaching at UCL. The session was primarily concerned with classroom activities so here’s a bit more about the opportunities technologies can bring. I was there to contribute some ideas as an E-Learning […]
  5. miravogel

    The great Wikipedia controversy

      You’ve been warned about Wikipedia. You’ve used it before but it would be pointless to cite it – anybody can edit so how can it be a credible source? Searching Google yields better sources for your work. You’ve never tried to edit Wikipedia – why would you? Comparing Wikipedia to Google’s search engine as sources of ...
  6. miravogel

    Where next with Mahara / MyPortfolio?

    A few of us spent part of last week in Brighton at MaharaUK 2014. Mahara – the environment UCL calls MyPortfolio – allows individuals and groups to create and connect multimedia-rich pages which they can selectively publish.  E-Learning Environments gave a couple of presentations with an emphasis on how Mahara can help with assessed group ...
  7. miravogel

    The UCL Teaching Administrator Conference 2014

    A conference dedicated to supporting learning and teaching (in the professional services sense) is a rare thing in higher education but UCL’s fifth  Teaching Administrator Conference which took place on April 24th is precisely that. As the first Provost to speak at this annual event, Michael Arthur’s opening was evidence of the growing importance of teaching ...
  8. miravogel

    Curation contradictions

    I’ve written this as part of the week-long Bring Your Own Device For Learning open course. Today’s topic is about curating online resources, something I do using Diigo for online bookmarking, Zotero for reference-managing formal literature, Evernote, blogging, a news feed aggregator, and a bit of If This Then That for shunting stuff around different ...
  9. miravogel

    Mozilla and digital literacy

    Digital literacy is gaining recognition and sophistication but the concept currently tends to fragment. For example, Doug Belshaw welcomes the explosion of interest in learning to code but makes the point that on its own it is unlikely to get anybody very far with reading, writing, or participating online. He concludes, “One thing I’ve learned ...
  10. miravogel

    Turnitin App Sync is an Overwrite

    When using the Turnitin iPad app, what Turnitin refers to as ‘syncing’ doesn’t merge feedback and grades – it overwrites them for that entire submission inbox. Below are some examples of how this could affect you. More than one marker for an essay? Syncing from the app actually overwrites any existing marks and comments. In other words, ...
  11. miravogel

    Moocs – a round-up

    Cross-posted on ALT Mooc SIG. Today the Department for Business Innovation & Skills published a literature review on on ‘The Maturing of the MOOC’. It was written by Stephen Haggard (independent learning consultant at time of writing, now working at Desire2Learn) with the University of London’s Centre for Distance Learning and the Observatory on Borderless Higher ...
  12. miravogel

    Inducktion for induction

    Earlier this year E-Learning Environments (ELE) won a mini-project grant from the Changing the Learning Landscape Programme on the theme of ‘Power in Your Pocket’. ELE has been working with UCLU, Student Support & Wellbeing, and the Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching for 2013/14 Induction Week, to set up activities exploiting the ...
  13. miravogel

    ds106 Daily Create – a picture of something I collect

    One massive open online course-type thing I really admire is ds106 – a roll-on-roll-off place where open online participants can join students registered at the University of Mary Washington and others to develop skills and know-how in a wide range of digital media from text to video and everything in between (the ‘ds’ stands for ...
  14. miravogel

    Jots from BETT 2013

    BETT is a gargantuan annual learning technology trade show. With digital literacies in mind I spent a few minutes at the Lynda stand – Lynda is a library of short, focused courses for different technologies and practices. Did they offer courses for open source applications? GIMP as well as Photoshop? Yes. OpenOffice as well as ...

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