Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. plohn89

    Brides throwing cats (DC June 6 2015)

    For this Daily Create we were supposed to create a Bride throwing a cat to her bridesmaids, so that is exactly what I did. I took the picture from google images then started the editing through Picsart. I added a dog, who wants to eat the cat, I added several cats to show you the motion […]
  2. plohn89

    Transportation (Daily create June 5, 2015)

    For this daily create we were supposed to create a clip of how we get around everyday. To get around everyday I use my feet and I also use my car, sometimes I used my bicycle, but most of my getting around is done through my feet either through walking or through running, and of […]
  3. plohn89

    Daily create June 4th 2015

      Make something out of a circle. This Daily create was created through the app Picsart, it can be downloaded onto any tablet or any phone. As you can see I created a mess, it started as one big circle then split into many circles, some are easier to see than others. I challenge everybody to see […]
  4. plohn89

    Weekly Summary Week 2

    Daily Creates: Design Assignments:   Animated GIF Assignments: Photo Blitz Assignment: The Vignelli Cannon Assignment:     Reflection Questions: How well do you feel you completed the requirements of the week’s assignments? I felt more comfortable with this weeks assignments, some of […]
  5. plohn89

    The Vignelli Cannon

    The Vignelli Cannon: The Article was very interesting and gave me new information about design that I had no idea about, I have never been a creative person, or a person that is good at design or any artsy stuff, Vignelli talks about the three different aspects of design that are important to him. The […]
  6. plohn89

    The King

    by This Gif was created through it is fairly easy to use. I decided to go with a Gif of my favorite athlete LeBron James doing what he does best. This clip is from his top 10 dunks I selected a dunk that I liked the best, then used that time frame to make […]
  7. plohn89

    What are they thinking DC 5/31/2015

      For this daily create we were supposed to choose one of the provided arrest photos and edit it, to create what they were thinking. I used a program called pics art to do this, I uploaded the pic, and then added the graphics. All this poor kid can think about is that he should […]
  8. plohn89

    Daily create 5/28/2015

    Create a poem from a past memory. Young and careless in the woods free spirit with no intention ohh I was 8 did I forget to mention bikes and hills don’t mix hills will play dirty tricks falling of oh how it hurts learned my lesson bikes and hills don’t mix Because hills play dirty […]
  9. plohn89

    Missing puppy!! (Design assignment worth 3 stars)

        I think this was one of the more challenging assignments that I have created this far. I used the app pics art on my iPad. It was more challenging because I created everything separately then added it all together, I decided to go with different fonts on clues to show different points in […]
  10. plohn89

    “The dog did it”Design assignment (worth 3 stars)

     Above is the link where this design assignment was inspired. For this assignment I choose a picture of my living room, a place where I hangout everyday. I just so happened to capture a tv show in the background and it had a police officer showing in the perfect […]
  11. plohn89

    Daily Create 1

    Its starts with a boring life NO Success NO Abilities NO Skills Then a small pill changes everything The pill allows most of the brain to be used and activated Then there is success, abilities, skills, everything that was not available before is now available. The pill takes its toll and more and more has […]

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