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  1. Rebecca

    Beep boop. Robo-life!

    Today’s daily create was an ASCII selfie! I like it, because it hides the fact that I’m still in my pajamas and haven’t showered yet. in ascii, nobody knows you're greasy…✌️😥 #tdc1971 #ds106 — Rebecca S (@rivy3ds) June 2, 2017 It also reminds me of Pam’s summer project. Beesly!!!
  2. Rebecca

    Some nonsense at the beach today…

    Someone is trying to pick a fight in today’s Daily Create! My girl isn’t into it though. She just wanted to see some dolphins, maybe get some ice cream. beach drama. no thanks. #tdc1970 #ds106 — Rebecca S (@rivy3ds) June 1, 2017
  3. Rebecca

    That’s not something that props can fix… that’s gonna be a little harder to fix!

    For my second ever gif (I really like making them, even if my computer doesn’t!) I went with the Goof Gif assignment. I love blooper reels and if I could, I’d buy box sets of all of my favorite shows just for blooper reels, deleted scenes, and commentary. I had a hard time choosing whether I wanted … Continue reading That’s not something that props can fix… that’s gonna be a little harder to fix!
  4. Rebecca

    Cat feet

    The daily create today was all about pink appreciation and there are quite a few pink things in my life that I love. This morning one of my cats was sleeping and her tongue was hanging out of her mouth (shoutout to r/blep and other blep collections) but I wasn’t able to get a picture without … Continue reading Cat feet
  5. Rebecca

    Photo op!

    I’ve been trying out the photography tips from this week’s ongoing assignment and yesterday I think I caught something really cool using some of the tips. I had gone outside with my dogs (both are very clingy and like company, even when doing their business… and one can’t be trusted not to jump the fence) and … Continue reading Photo op!
  6. Rebecca


    Today’s daily create: an exercise in acceptance! Asked to clear up our life history as though it were browser history, I knew exactly where I’d start – high school. @ds106dc @ds106dc heavy yikes. Poor grandma had to put up with my edgy nonsense on Jesus' bday. DELETE! #tdc1965 #ds106 — Rebecca S (@rivy3ds) May … Continue reading Shame!
  7. Rebecca

    We Amélie the guy

    Someone’s been into Erik’s house and messed with all his stuff. They left a letter saying six things were changed, but in reality, they changed seven things just to drive him crazy. I wonder what he did that made him deserve such a thing. This is another one I’m particularly happy about because the only … Continue reading We Amélie the guy
  8. Rebecca

    Would you buy this paper? Or join this hoity toity community?

    For my second visual assignment, I chose to do “What a Crappy Font Will Do” not just because the title made me chuckle, but because I do get some sick kicks out of seeing serious companies use comic sans or papyrus. It’s always spas that use papyrus. What’s up with that? Here’s the first of two … Continue reading Would you buy this paper? Or join this hoity toity community?
  9. Rebecca

    I wish you would stop rubbing that lamp in that creepy way

    This one took a long time, both in choosing my wishes and in cobbling them together. Here they are in all their glory. @ds106dc @ds106dc if I had 3 wishes.. 🤔🐪 .#tdc1962 #ds106 — Rebecca Schaeffer (@rivy3ds) May 24, 2017 It definitely felt weird to throw full prescription bottles into the trash, but a … Continue reading I wish you would stop rubbing that lamp in that creepy way

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