Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. rmsalas72

    Who Am I ?

    My name is Rosanna Miiller Salas and I was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela. Since 1999 I have worked at various educational levels while teaching in private and public schools in Caracas. Seven years ago I moved to Denver,... Continue Reading →
  2. rmsalas72

    Who Am I ?

    My name is Rosanna Miiller Salas and I was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela. Since 1999 I have worked at various educational levels while teaching in private and public schools in Caracas. Seven years ago I moved to Denver,... Continue Reading →
  3. rmsalas72

    Final Course Reflection and ePorfolio

    My learning process during this course was a constant adaptation to meet the requirement of working in an intense collaborative learning community. I forced myself to get outside my comfort zone. I experienced frustration, anxiety, and joy when learning or exchanging with others in a productive experience. I have a better notion of my strengths […]
  4. rmsalas72

    Week 7 Reflection

    I was glad to have more time to focus on creating my final AB assignment regarding my focal theme. I enjoyed having time to deeply explore the assignments to find one meaningful to my interest and at the same time representing my acquired technical skills. I also invested productive time learning new tools/apps and reviewing […]
  5. rmsalas72

    TDC Magical Lights

    We are surrounded with magical lights. We just need to put attention and be lucky enough to capture them. To create TDC I used my iPhone to take pictures this week, Pixlr Express to put them together in a collage, and Flick to publish the final composi...
  6. rmsalas72

    Lankshear & Knobel. Chapter 8. Final Considerations on Social Learning Trajectories

    I found extremely enlightened New Literacies’ last chapter. Having the opportunity to reflect about real time experiences in such a detailed review help me to understand better the whole process to develop real approaches to learning in formal settings. I enjoyed identifying the parallelism with the Master course introduction to qualitative research with our Digital […]
  7. rmsalas72

    AB Broken English Mashup

    This final week I chose to create a kinetic typographic adding images to a beautiful poem written and performed by Rupi Kaur. I think it is an inspirational piece for immigrant families to celebrate their heritage and to feel proud of who they are and value the efforts, love, and sacrifices required when integrating into […]
  8. rmsalas72

    Reflection Week 6

    Every week I prepared a schedule to get everything ready before the weekend. Every week I fail to achieve that goal. This time I just began to make peace with my timing. I need quiet time to read, to translate my concepts in Spanish into English, I have to reflect and relate new concepts and […]
  9. rmsalas72

    TDC Shadows / Sombras

    TDC Shadowcaster. I think the most perfect shadows are made in Colorado. I believe it is for the clear air, the altitude and the bright sun. I have been having fun for a while capturing shadows, so I put together a recent picture from yesterday with others I took during these last months.
  10. rmsalas72

    Week 6 Critique. Zach King Remixing Practices

    Week 6 Critique. Zach King Remixing Practices I recently watched some amazing videos produced by Zack King. I think he is an excellent example of successful remixing practices. Each video created by him shows a deep knowledge of technology and high levels of creativity. I chose to post a mashup of his work of six-second […]
  11. rmsalas72

    Chapter 7. Pedagogical Implications

    This week’s chapter explored social learning, ‘push’ and ‘pull’ paradigms, and building platform for social learning. I will focus on two points relevant for me in this chapter: First the proposal to shift push paradigm toward pull paradigm. Second the relevance of passion as a success factor in social learning. I found at the same […]
  12. rmsalas72

    Week 6. DS106 Assignment

    I choose to create an interactive motivational poster using piktochart. Each round flag is linked with stories of successful people born in that country. I include a picture of the poster linked to the interactive poster, I can not add the interactive poster directly in my blog due to incompatibilities between WordPress and Piktochart.  Click […]

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