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  1. swarley

    Final Project Update

    I have alot of sneakers so what i decided to do is make it into a competition between the signature sneakers of players. This will be between Lebron James, Penny Hardway, and Michael Jordan who are all under Nike. so … Continue reading
  2. swarley

    Final Project

    For my final project i’m going to catalog my sneakers. I have about 40 pairs of sneakers. I am going to add a menu tag to my website to show pictures on tumblr. For the more unique sneakers I will … Continue reading
  3. swarley


    I know im not the only one that doesn’t like Mondays. Mondays are so far from Friday but Friday is so close to Mondays. Every Monday is a struggle for me. Weekends are just so short. I had to make … Continue reading
  4. swarley

    Lip Reading

    Voice overs was cool. I had o use iMovie app. When in the app you have to double clip on the clip. Then you go to the the audio tab. When in the tab you bring the volume down to … Continue reading
  5. swarley

    What I Have Been Up To

    They say everything looks better in Black and White Faith and Hope go hand in hand if you have no Faith you cant have Hope I find Sneakers the most interesting
  6. swarley

    Critique Time

    Critiquing this Dora picture I’m suppose to tell you great the colors blend. How lovely the background is and how this picture is a breathre of fresh air. How its nice to see dora in a different light but I … Continue reading
  7. swarley

    We’ll Be Fine

    This one of the only drake songs I actually like and this is my favorite line from the song “You Not The Only One Trying To Be The Only One”
  8. swarley

    Daily Creates

    The first one is a picture of a tree that fell in my neighbor hood because of sandy the second picture i was suppose to make something small look big the third picture is to show how old I am.

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