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  1. @sylvanrobert1

    Response to Chapter 2: “Music remix in the classroom” and Chapter 3: “DIY podcasting in education”

    With this topic, I’m certainly feeling my age as well as revealing my tastes in music and limited knowledge of pop culture. I’m afraid the remix culture, at least as it exists today, has left me in the dust.  Although I do watch many videos, and since the genre that I most enjoy is documentary, ... [Read more...]
  2. @sylvanrobert1

    A Color Red Podcast

    The following podcast was an assignment for my Producing Media for Learning Course and was: Record a 5-10 minute podcast on “a color,” not color, but “a color.” Well, that’s vague and abstract, and me, I’m not very artistic. When I think of this I’m a bit overwhelmed . A color, 5-10 minutes, I doubt ... [Read more...]
  3. @sylvanrobert1

    My Response to “Using Digital Storytelling to Support EFL Learning in China”

    One of my principal concerns with teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Korea is the learner’s “affective filter.” Lightbrown & Spada (2013) write the following description of the affective filter hypothesis: Krashen’s affective filter hypothesis is proposed to account for the fact that some people who are exposed to large quantities of comprehensible ... [Read more...]
  4. @sylvanrobert1

    Digital Story Response No. 3: “Rites of Passage”

    The digital story “Rites of Passage” compares and contrasts the educational experience of the storyteller, Nikiko Masumoto, with the educational experience of her Japanese-American grandmother during WWII. This story made me acutely aware of the fact that for digital stories to truly appeal to me that they must connect to some shared personal experience. Although ... [Read more...]
  5. @sylvanrobert1

    Visual Assignment for Week 3: Room Tour

    My wife and I recently moved into this cozy little two bedroom apartment in Uijongbu-Shi, ROK. We arrived two weeks before the Fall 2016 semester commenced, so we furnished the space quickly. The computer and its monitor traveled with me as checked baggage. The day after our arrival we purchased the bookcase, desk, and filing ... [Read more...]
  6. @sylvanrobert1

    My Response to the Digital Story “Ethnolinguistic Profile”

    I chose to critique the digital story “Ethnolinguistic Profile: Self-study of a Multilingual Person” as it was attached to the scholarly article that I responded to this week, which was “Digital Storytelling: Using Different Technologies for EFL.”  Christiansen and Koelzer (2016) included it as an example of a student-produced, compelling, digital story. Another reason for ... [Read more...]
  7. @sylvanrobert1

    Response to Chapter 1: “Sampling ‘The New’ in New Literacies” by Lankshear & Knobel

    The sociocultural aspects of “new literacies” described in this chapter immediately grabbed my attention and caused me to reflect on an experience I had last semester. In my online Games and Learning course, the readings were posted online and two students were asked to read and annotate the pieces in advance, using the annotation tool ... [Read more...]

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