Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Thomas Ella

    Final Project: DS106 Theatre

    Here we go, folks. All right, so I haven’t been able to post any updates about this project because, well, there haven’t been any. I’ve been too busy with other stuff and this is the first chance I’ve gotten to actually just sit down for any significant amount of time and do stuff for this ...
  2. Thomas Ella

    Assignments I Created

    Okay. It’s like 2am and I’m scrambling here, but that’s what finals week is all about, right? Right. I made the “Play It Backward, Jack” video assignment where you have to reverse a video. I made the “Play It Backward, Jackward” remix assignment (I think it’s called that. Might just be “Play It Backward, Jack ...
  3. Thomas Ella

    The Big Leagues REMIX

    Boom. Last remix assignment. This one’s worth 4 stars. Still a lot, and I feel like the stars system for remix assignments needs balancing, but I’ll leave that for future ds106 generations. For this assignment, I had to take a “Play in the Big Leagues” assignment and “Turn Up The Cheese” on it. Make it ...
  4. Thomas Ella

    What’s Inside: Chelsea Mageland REMIX

    Okay, you guysssss! So for my next Remix assignment, I had to read somebody’s “What’s Inside” assignment in a “Popular Girl” voice. So naturally, I chose Chelsea Mageland’s. I think this assignment speaks for itself. Press play, then click on the image below to follow along: Apparently that’s worth 6 stars? Again, kind of a ...
  5. Thomas Ella

    Vader Talk REMIX

    So the remix assignment was to take a fantasy TED talk and flip the mood on it. I thought about my old Vader Talk assignment and immediately had this idea: Pretty fun to do. Just had to pick the right image of Luke, cut him out, and blend him into the background by darkening him, ...
  6. Thomas Ella

    Reviewing The Bullet

    So for the Product Review assignment, I decided to review something near and dear to me: The Bullet. I’ve been involved with the paper for three years and an editor for two. But I decided to take a step back and look at it objectively. So here you go, my product review of The Bullet: ...
  7. Thomas Ella

    A Condescending Tutorial For My Mom

    So for the Make a Tutorial For Your Mom assignment, I decided, “Hey, since most of the questions my mom asks are easy to the point of insulting, why not just be SUPER condescending about it? YEAH.” And there we go. Unable to display content...
  8. Thomas Ella

    Getting Distracted While Doing Homework: The Movie

    So for the Screen Capture Story assignment, I decided to film a story that probably hits home with a lot of us. You’re doing homework, it’s boring, and you keep getting distracted. And let’s be real here: We all know where you’re going to end up. Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required. Jing ...
  9. Thomas Ella

    tecuaF gnippirD

    I just made an assignment called “Play It Backward, Jack” where the goal is to film something that would look weird if you played it backward, then play it backward. So I filmed the dripping faucet I used in the “1 Second Video” assignment and filmed it for, well, more than one second, then reversed ...
  10. Thomas Ella

    Parallelism in Shaun of the Dead

    UPDATE 2: I switched to Vimeo for now. UPDATE: It’s being blocked for copyright infringement. I just submitted a dispute claiming it falls under the protection of copyright law that allows nonprofit educational use without permission of the copyright holder. We’ll see how that plays out. Either my video will stay up, or my entire ...
  11. Thomas Ella

    My Last Wish,

    “Find some spam. Could be email spam, could be comment spam, whatever you want. Read it aloud. Make it your own. Try to make sense of it or make it more absurd than it already is.” Oh. Oh, I made it my own. Don’t you worry about that. Nothing more empathetic than a desperate old ...
  12. Thomas Ella

    Greetings From The UMW Apartments

    Let my tale be a warning: If you’re going to submit an assignment, make sure it hasn’t already been submitted yet. I made a “Greetings From…” postcard for my apartment and was going to submit that as a design assignment, but lo and behold, one “Michael Branson Smith” already has the monopoly on it, and ...
  13. Thomas Ella

    When In Rome, Daily Create

    “Take a photo depicting your favorite type of weather.” Sunny and warm – perfect for lounging outside. “Where’d your name come from? Record a video in which you describe how you got your name, or where you got your name ...
  14. Thomas Ella

    Umbrella Man at Ford Theater

    If you haven’t heard of the “Umbrella Man,” you really need to check this video out. But basically, he was this guy that happened to be present at the JFK assassination, and even though it was a bright and sunny day, he had an umbrella out. Conspiracy theorists, go! Well, turns out he was at ...
  15. Thomas Ella

    Shaun of the Dead Minimalist Poster

    I have an unhealthy love for Shaun of the Dead. I’ve seen it more times than I can remember and I evangelize it to anyone I come across who hasn’t seen it. Designing a minimalist poster for it isn’t even an assignment for me; it’s just another Friday morning. The only thing I had trouble ...

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