Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. victoria

    Tutorial #2

    Have you ever hear of Weebly? It’s a website where you can make your own online portfolio. If you’re interested, read closely! Step one: Go to Step 2: Fill out the chart where it says: Sign Up! It’s Free!   (You fill in your full name, e-mail and password) Step 3: Create your site name ...
  2. victoria

    Tutorial #1

    I love music so I decided to show how to buy a song from iTunes! Step 1: Open up your iTunes:    (Open us the iTunes…its the second from the bottom on the left) Step 2: Once your iTunes is open, clip on the iTunes store which is the first one under the category store on the left. This ...
  3. victoria

    Protect Yourself!

    Have you ever thought about your digital footprint? Are you safe? Do you know how to protect yourself? Digital citizenship is very important in the 21st century. There are nine elements that you should be aware of: digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law, digital rights and responsibilities, digital health and ...
  4. victoria

    What is Information Fluency??

    What is information fluency? That’s a great question! Information fluency is all about how to effectively use the internet. There are several key questions that can help us to understand how to understand information fluency: What am I looking for? Where will I look? How will I get there? How good is the information? How ...
  5. victoria

    Tweet Chat: #engchat

    I participated in a Tweet chat at 7pm this evening with English Teachers from around the world. It was such an awesome experience and I learned so much. The main focus of the chat was authentic writing. So many teachers were asking what constitutes authentic writing and I was proud to see so many of my classmates chime in ...
  6. victoria

    Collaboration, Collaboration, Collaboration!

    From as far back as I can remember, I hated group projects. I hated finding the time to get together with people I barley knew or always having to a significant amount of the work my partners should have been helping with. Thankfully, I didn’t have to do many group projects in high school, but ...
  7. victoria

    The Hunger Games

    There might be some spoilers!     I just saw The Hunger Games this past weekend at the midnight premiere. I read the books over the summer and quickly fell in love with them so needless to say I was dying to see the movie. My friends and I got tickets as soon as we ...
  8. victoria

    Daily Create

                                                                           Daily Create 73 required me to take a picture of something that emphasized the color yellow so I took a ...
  9. victoria

    KAV Radio!

    KAV Radio:  You’re listening to Inside Scoop with Khrystie, Abby, and Victoria! Our radio show is finally up and running and boy did was it a process! We started the show three weeks ago and experienced major problems along the way. When the project was first assigned we were pretty excited to work with Garage ...
  10. victoria

    Happy LEAP Day!

  11. victoria

    Daily Create

    Daily Create tdc45 by Victoria Guaragno Airotciv Ongaraug….Try saying that backwards! I think Victoria Guaragno is a lot easier! It took me so long (and many friends) to figure out how to say my name backwards. Try saying your name backwards and see how difficult it really is! Daily create TDC34 was to take a ...
  12. victoria

    Global Warming…?

                                                                           I did the big caption assignment (1 star) and took this picture from I then uploaded it to picnik and added the ...
  13. victoria

    Name that Single!

                                                                          Can you name this single (2 stars)? Hint: It’s a country song…
  14. victoria


                                                                           The next assignment I did was The Little Caption (2 stars). I took this picture from my flickr account and ...
  15. victoria

    You’re gonna fly

    For my first digital assignment, I did The Big Hop (2 stars). I had to take a picture from this website: and then pick a top 100 song and overlay the lyrics on the picture. I decided to us the song “You’re Gonna Fly” by Keith Urban the minute I saw this picture. I love the ...
  16. victoria

    How old do you feel?

            How old do you feel? Doesn’t the saying go: Act your age! Well here are too picture that describe how old I feel. The first picture was taken for the daily create (tdc37) asking me to take a picture of a toy in action. My Kindle Fire is my big girl ...
  17. victoria

    Your very own Spubble

    For my last visual assignment, I chose to create my very own spubble. I chose a picture of myself before playing in the powder-puff game as a junior in high school against the seniors. I was very excited to play and convinced that although the game was rigged for the senior to win, we would somehow come out ...
  18. victoria

    Illustrate 106

    Because ds106 is such a huge part of my class this semester, I found a picture on Google that showed the numbers on a trolley in London. Although I’ve never been to London, I absolutely love trolleys! Growing up, I went to Maine every summer on vacation and we found always ride the trolley whenever we ...
  19. victoria

    Car Lust

    I chose to find of picture of my dream car for this assignment. Since I can remember, I’ve always loved convertibles. I haven’t driven in many, but they look so freeing and fabulous. I would love to feel the sun beating down and my hair whipping in the wind. I’ve also always told my parent ...
  20. victoria

    Common Everyday Objects

    For this assignment, I chose to take a picture of my bright pink backpack and alter the colors to look different. One thing you don’t know about me is that my favorite color is pink. Almost everything I own (aside from clothing and shoes) is pink. So of course I had to have a pink backpack! ...
  21. victoria

    Parent-Child Headswap

    The second assignment I decided to do was the parent-child head swap. Now these two men are not related–they are my dad and boyfriend, but my boyfriend is considered the third son of the family so it still worked out. I followed the tutorial posted on the page and was able to get the heads swapped in ...
  22. victoria

    Splash the Color!

    For my first assignment of the week, I decided to do the splash of color! I took this picture from over the summer and use Picnik to alter the colors. I decided to make my dress stand out as well as the towel because they are both blue and I thought it would be a good contrast ...
  23. victoria

    I love you

    The daily create for today was to create a picture that represents the happiest or most memorable moment in your life. I chose this picture because I’m the most happy when I’m with my boyfriend. We’ve been together for four years and...
  24. victoria

    Who is Ed Parkour??

    Who or rather what is Ed Parkour?? Well let’s begin with the definition of parkour. According to Bill Genereux, parkour is “the sport of traversing environmental obstacles by running, climbing, or leaping rapidly and efficiently”. Now you may ask, “Where does the Ed come into play?” Well ‘ed’ is short for education. That’s right, I’m talking ...
  25. victoria

    Where’s my food?!

    Sharing limited space with two other girls is hard enough, but add in the fact that the three of us love to eat leaves limited space for snacks. Here is our cramped snack draw…I easily lose my food in there! The worst part is you haven’t seen our other cabinets or fridge/freezer!       ...
  26. victoria

    Battle it Out

    Check out my Storify! It is a bunch of tweets, Facebook statuses, you tube videos and, and google articles about web 1.0 and 2.o…See what people are saying about the new web! The Battle Between Web 1.0 and 2.0
  27. victoria

    Battle Between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0

      Coming into this class, I never knew about web 1.0 or web 2.0.  I thought the web was the web…but it’s not. Here, I will tell you the difference between both webs. Web 1.0 -  It’s a one way st:reet: You can read an article online, but you cannot comment or edit it. - It’s ...

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