Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. wafflestomper

    Patently Stylish

    Wow, this was a fun daily create!  I could’ve happily spent a lot more time searching around the images of interesting patents, but I settled on some steampunk style goggles. I copied the image into Photoshop, added a warming layer to turn the text into dark brown and then added a sepia-toned satin overlay on […]
  2. wafflestomper

    It’s All In The Beads, Yo

      My bead story begins with my first undergraduate degree in Biology, symbolized by the green and blue glass bead at #1. Pretty much beginning around that time, I began rudimentary computer gaming. I say “rudimentary”, because it was pretty primitive stuff back in the late ’80s. The 20-sided die (at #2) is frequently used […]
  3. wafflestomper

    I Made A New Visual Assignment! – “Story Beads”

    I’ve been slowly working on a set of bead/charms for a bracelet and so far I’ve got the beads, but not the actual bracelet.  I’ve played with the order of things, and ran across a website called “North America Great Story Beads” where they use beads to create a timeline around which they narrate a story. […]
  4. wafflestomper

    It Ain’t All In The Sound, Yo

    Just finished live-Tweeting while watching an episode of The Wire with the ds106 gang without sound!  A very different experience from listening without watching. I had seen the episode before, which helped tremendously in following the story, but without sound I would’ve wandered away from the story.  The live tweeting kept me in the Game, […]
  5. wafflestomper

    Who’s Keeping the Devil Down in the Hole?

     Weekly Summary Highlight of the week: While I’m puttering away on a Saturday afternoon, polishing an audio assignment for the week, I get this Tweet: How cool is that?  I quickly fumbled to get into ds106 Radio to listen to a charming conversation between two delightful people whose accents tell me they’re from “across the […]
  6. wafflestomper

    Bumpin’ Against The Dark Side

    I was bumping up against the Dark Side all week, so here’s my ds106 Radio bumper audio assignment:   Another Audacity project, this time adding a track, and using the Effects >> Fade Out to accommodate the second track to be heard. I used the built-in voice modulator in my headset/mic to get a lower […]
  7. wafflestomper

    Java Jive

    The morning sounds of a really good java being made: Credits to the following folks whose Freesound files were used in the making of this brew: Beans pouring: juskiddink Beans grinding: madumcc Coffee brewing: jpkweli Coffee pouring: superex1110 Coffee stirring: keweldog Java slurping: fille1000 Technique: Pretty simple cut and paste using Audacity.  I added them […]
  8. wafflestomper

    It’s All In the Sound, Yo

    Thoughts on the Jen Ralston Interview with Jim Groom and Paul Bond How lucky we were to have instructors able to land such a great interview!  I really like the honesty of Jen Ralston’s comments regarding how sound editing is under-appreciated and she saw a niche forming there when she was the only student being […]
  9. wafflestomper

    “Omar Back” — “Who’s Omar?”

    I think some of the very best quotes of Season 2 come out of Episodes 3, 4, and 5.   Lester’s clothing being characterized as “tweedy impertinence” by Landsman is worthy of a chuckle. Stringer saying “I’m an XL” is the essence of his ego.  My all-time favorites are Beadie Russel in Episode 4 asking […]
  10. wafflestomper

    She Got Sand In Her What ?!?

    Self Portrait Told In Library An interesting Daily Create assignment: Go through your personal library and make three stacks of books that sum up your self portrait and make a photo collage.  Easy enough to do, snap photos with cell phone and snag them off of Dropbox, plot them into Photoshop as separate layers, nudge, […]
  11. wafflestomper

    The Wired Child – A Brainstormed Radio Show

    I keep seeing what I think of as “young” themes of childlike elements recurring in episodes of “The Wire”. Maybe it’s child-like innocence? Maybe it’s an innocence that’s lost, or wistfully hoped for but never attained in our view into inner city Baltimore. My vision for an audio project is a radio show episode of […]
  12. wafflestomper

    Nom Nom Nom

    The daily create for today was a fun one!  Depict an embodiment of a feeling you’re experiencing and post it on Flickr. Easily done by grabbing a PacMan logo off the internet, opening it in Photoshop and plopping down some Nom layers of text boxes, rotate them slightly and pick a cartoony font.  Wow, I”m […]
  13. wafflestomper

    Zombies and Cheesewagons

    This was a brutal week for work due in other classes, and I discovered that ds106 can be VERY addictive! Dammit, #ds106 #wire106 stop being the tempting ice cream sundae of my coursework. I really need to eat my vegetables too! — Quinntero (@Green_Canoe) September 10, 2014 Article Reflections - It was a thoughtful piece written about […]
  14. wafflestomper

    My Big Fat Greek Triple Troll Epigraph

    Here we see Valchek and Sobotka going at each other, but the quote is from Little Big Roy where he’s speaking about the shipping ports and how everything is becoming more automated.  The good old days are gone. The Greek tends to speak with better grammar, so I thought this was a good mash-up.
  15. wafflestomper

    I, Storyteller

    The Facebook site “The Wire” at the time I viewed it appeared little more than a few scraps of advertising and contest entry invitations. The only impression I picked up here was one of stale yesteryears.  Merchants selling mugs and DvDs, no story here for me. Facebook can be an excellent platform for storytelling, blogging, […]
  16. wafflestomper


    V = IR So simple.  This is Ohm’s Law.   The passing of an electrical current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points. So, voltage equals amperes multiplied by resistance. Today’s Daily Create assignment was to use “found” letters to depict our favorite math expression. I […]
  17. wafflestomper

    Clackety-Clack, Don’t Talk Back

    What a fun daily create! Tell the story of what happened before this image was taken: I went with a haiku: A train trip with friends. Clackety track reminder. Forgot your flash drive. That famous Big Bang Theory episode popped into my head when I saw the image of the train light in the tunnel. […]
  18. wafflestomper

    .GIF Stomping

    Making animated .GIFs for the first time was a big time sink, so I’m glad I started earlier in the week on the learning process.  At this point in the season, the development of characters is still new and under development, so I focused on their personalities as I summarized The Wire: Season 1 Episode 3 […]
  19. wafflestomper

    Dungeons & Dreidls

    This was a fun daily create, making a mash-up of two unrelated gaming items to create a new game. The first two game pieces I laid my hands on were an old dreidl someone gave me years ago when I went to school in Westchester, NY, and a Dungeon & Dragons character that was also […]
  20. wafflestomper

    The Kessel Run

    The daily create was to make a map depicting a well-known story, and I went with the Star Wars universe from Episode IV: A New Hope.  This is known as “the first one” for folks that remember 1977, the year it was released. Using PowerPoint, I fooled around with the shapes menu and made circles […]
  21. wafflestomper

    It Said “Logo”, Not “Lego”

    Today’s Daily Create assignment was to create your own logo and post it on Flickr.  I jumped onto Google and found an image of a hook to use, since my last name is Hooks.  Then I used it as a layer in Photoshop, added text layers for “Hooks” and “DS106″ and used a layer transform […]
  22. wafflestomper

    It Ain’t No Downton Abbey, Yo

    Having just finished binge-watching the HBO show “The Wire” in its entirety, I can tell you it ain’t no Downton Abbey, yo.  I think I was able to turn off captions somewhere around episode 3 of season 1, but wow, the language took some getting used to. In fact, if I had been a casual […]

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