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  1. Downes

    St. Albert

    September 1, 2021. This is St. Albert, where I went for a brisk (24kph) ride after work today. I used up every last minute of vacation time over the summer, so I'm sitting with zero days for the first time since I started with NRC. The other big thing ...
  2. Downes


    August 31, 2021. Yes, it's cat picture time again. This is Emma on the shelf behind my chair in the dining room. It was a pretty quiet work day; I filled out time sheets, attended an online conference, created a newsletter and met with colleagues from ...
  3. Downes

    Incident on Main Street

    August 30, 2021. Got out for a quick bike ride after work and ran across this incident on Rue Principale involving a damaged police car, a completely wrecked car, and potentially damaged bicycles and train tracks. No idea what happened, but I sent the ...
  4. Downes


    August 29, 2021. With my brother Bill and Shirley in town, we gathered for a get-together at Mum and Bernie's place. My brother Gord was also there with Shelli, along with Bill and Shirley's three children and Debbie, Bernie's daughter. It was really i...
  5. Downes


    August 28, 2021. After 666 days, the RedBlacks are back and were were there in our new (and first-time) season tickets seats. The game wasn't the best, but it was still fun. We tried the new 'Very Vegan Tacos', which were a complete fail (the problem w...
  6. Downes

    The Fan

    August 27, 2021. This is the fan on the ceiling of my bedroom. We don't really need a fan, since the house is air conditioned, but nonetheless, it is there. Today was an indoor day, which felt weird, but allowed my various bites, cuts and bruises to he...
  7. Downes

    Home Via Kingston

    August 26, 2021. This is the Via Rail trail pulling into the Belleville station. I have good things to say about Via today. The plan was to take the train to Kingston, pick up the car, return to Belleville to pick up the bike, then drive home. Except I...
  8. Downes

    Trail of Two Lakes

    August 25, 2021. View along the trail from Moira Lake to Belleville. I cycled most of it today, 44 km, missing only the top couple of kilometres toward Madoc. It was good to start but got rougher the further south I went. But it has its good spots, lik...
  9. Downes


    August 24, 2021. In the distance you can see a number of large white birds (geese? swans?) enjoying the lake and honking up a storm back and forth with some other unseen flock. The trail was rough again today, not as bad as yesterday but still a challe...
  10. Downes

    Callaghan’s Rapids

    August 23, 2021. This is the view of Callaghan's Rapids Conservation Area from the trail. It was just a slight detour on today's 50 km ride to Marmora. The river here flows over a large flat rock surface, so it's shallow enough to wade easily. In one p...
  11. Downes

    Ranney Gorge

    August 22, 2021. Here I am with my bike on the suspension bridge over Ranney Gorge over the Trent River in Campbellford. Today I 'took a zero', meaning that I didn't cover any kilometers. But I still did some shopping and explored the town a bit. Tomor...
  12. Downes


    August 21, 2021. This is the farmers market at Campbellford, where I had a blueberry pie and blackberry refresher. Today was a very short cycling day - 12 km - as I went from the park to the motel to recharge both batteries and myself. I actually treat...
  13. Downes


    August 21, 2021. This is the scene at sunset from on top of a drumlin, a large hill created by glaciation. The sun was a brilliant ruby red (the picture doesn't do it justice) because of the smoke in the air from the many forest fires. Today was anothe...
  14. Downes

    Prince Edward County

    August 19, 2021. This is a scene from somewhere in the middle of Prince Edward County, which is almost a large island in Lake Ontario. Around the edges it can be pretty touristy (though in places that's not the case). In the interior is is very rural. ...
  15. Downes

    Bay of Quinte

    August 18, 2021. This is the Bay of Quinte, a long narrow inlet that separates Prince Edward County from the mainland. I cycled here - about 60 km - along the Cataraqui Trail and then through Napanee and over the very large bridge. I had a rough night ...
  16. Downes

    Camden Lake

    August 17, 2021. This is Camden Lake, a provincial wildlife park, where I spent the night. I began the day by driving to Kingston, getting my bike set up (kudos to Frontinac Cycle for their help), then biking about 50 km back to the Cataraqui Trail and...
  17. Downes

    Election Signs

    August 16, 2021. This is a sign I put up today. I saved a bunch of signs from the last election and so got them out today for the new election. I didn't think we needed this election now, but I do love elections. We also went to the city for shopping a...
  18. Downes

    The Cable

    August 15, 2021. The missing cable has been found! It was located at my Day 2 campsite. Today we drove out to the site and picked it up. So now I'm preparing to get back out on the trail, picking up where I left off, but with a less ambitious route. So...
  19. Downes


    August 14, 2021. This is a view of Upper Rideau Lake from westport, a small community on the road between Kingston and Ottawa. We spent a full day driving to Kingston and back to retrieve my bicycle, because Via Rail hates bicycles, and stopped at West...
  20. Downes

    Hydrogen Peroxide

    August 13, 2021. The view from my train window felt like the antithesis of my previous week. It basically took all day to travel from Kingston back to Casselman by train. Kingston isn't that far from Ottawa, but viewed differently, it's quite far. http...
  21. Downes

    Work From Home?

    August 12, 2021. This spot, about 15 km out of Kingston, is where I sat down for half an hour and had a videoconference with a colleague in England. It was my last day on the trail for now, with the ride ending after 40 km at a hotel near the train sta...
  22. Downes


    August 10, 2021. My camp site was supposed to be beside a beaver pond. I found the Beavers, but the camp was itself inaccessible. So I found a spot by the trail across from the pond and the Beavers and I spent a pleasant evening together, joined later ...
  23. Downes


    August 10, 2012. This was the scene from my motel room in Newboro. But my trip is being cut short... I lost the recharging cable for my CPAP battery. So I'll take a couple days getting into Kingston and then take the train home. Heat was brutal again t...
  24. Downes

    Murphy’s Point Provincial Park

    August 9, 2021. After a 70 km slog on 30 degree heat I arrived exhausted late afternoon. The park itself is a gem, the campsites large and spread out. I had The. Best. Shower. Ever. Lots of bugbites. I won't lie: this is hard.
  25. Downes


    August 8, 2021. This was the view as I ate supper for today, purchased at the Kemptville farmer's market, which I found by accident after making a detour to get a new sleeping pad. As a result, today was a 71 km day (on a fully loaded gravel bike). Rai...
  26. Downes


    August 8, 2021. This is my supper for today, purchased at the Kemptville farmer's market, which I found by accident after making a detour to get a new sleeping pad. As a result, today was a 71 km day (on a fully loaded gravel bike). Rain and thunder la...
  27. Downes


    August 7, 2021. I left today on my bike packing challenge. This is my bike fully loaded 10km in (1 percent complete!). I'm at a campground near Manotick, forgot a few things, but am otherwise off to a good start
  28. Downes

    Cat and AirMini

    August 4, 2021. I have a long bikepacking trip planned and the AirMini is an essential part of the planning, as I need a CPAP at night. So a few weeks ago I ordered an AirMini and a couple of batteries. This morning it still hadn't arrived and looked l...
  29. Downes


    August 3, 2021. Costco day today. The large new @Costco on Olgilvie Road has 750 parking spots but nowhere near that number of spaces for shopping carts. Combine that with understaffing and you get random traffic barriers making parking lot navigation,...
  30. Downes


    August 2, 2021. This McIntosh apple tree might not be the very first one, but it's a direct descendant, being only a few feet from where the original McIntosh apple tree stood in Dundela, Ontario. The apple will be bright red and green by the fall. I s...

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