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  1. Downes

    South March Highlands

    August 1, 2021. We went for an 8 km hike in the South March Highlands forest today. It's pretty rocky with a lot of up and down on the trail but it's also wet and swampy in places, and after the rain there were puddles and fungi galore. But it was also...
  2. Downes

    Back from Mont Tremblant

    July 31, 2021. This is one last look from Mont Tremblant, where we had a very pleasant stay even if there was no Blues Fest. Today I did nothing but relax and edit some photos (of which this is one) and create OLDaily posts & catch up on email. htt...
  3. Downes


    July 30, 2021. It was back home from Tremblant today. This is the view from the Casse-Croute du Lac Remi (ie., a chip wagon). I have a lot of photos to look through, a Blue Jays home opener to watch, and planning to do for my next adventure. https://fl...
  4. Downes

    Rain Day

    July 29, 2021. It was a cool and rainy day at Tremblant but that didn't slow us down as we walked the 360 trail at the summit; this is a view from that walk. We also went to the bike shop in town and some shops near the hotel.
  5. Downes

    Mont Tremblant

    July 28, 2021. We went for a hike to the waterfall near the base of the mountain then took the Gondola to the top to enjoy views like this one. Beautiful day today, nice and warm and sunny.
  6. Downes

    Lac Nominingue

    July 27, 2021. Today was a 122 km ride from Mont Tremblant to Lac Nominingue and back. Cool and cloudy for the most part; I cycled pretty fast (for me) at 19.9 kph or the distance, leaving me pretty tired at the end. But rightly so; it's the second-lon...
  7. Downes

    Mont Tremblant

    July 2, 2021. We spent the day packing and driving up to Mont Tremblant today to enjoy a few days of well-earned vacation in the Laurentian Mountains. This is a detail from the splash pad near our room. We're in a different building today, Sommit de Ne...
  8. Downes

    Marlborough Forest

    July 25, 2021. We went hiking in the Marlborough Forest today, which is at the very south-west corner of Ottawa city limits. Much fewer people than elsewhere, beautiful cedar and scrub forest, the walking trails rougher but still very walkable. The wea...
  9. Downes

    Getting Closer

    July 24, 2021. This is the gravel bike and tent (unstaked) test set-up. The bike is cleaned and oiled and the bags have been fitted into place and tested. The tend fits into the handlebar bag; I'll be putting heavy stuff into the frame bag, clothes, fo...
  10. Downes

    Nation Rise

    July 23, 2021. On the way back from Chesterville I took what turned out to be a dead-end road and found myself pushing my bicycle beside a bean field alongside the Nation River, which is where I took this photo. It's called 'Nation Rise' because that's...
  11. Downes

    A Forest of Goldenrod

    July 22, 2021. This is what it looks like alongside the driveway in the front yard: a sea of flowering goldenrod. Yes, this is another plant considered a weed by many, but I would much rather have this splash of colour in my front yard than plain grass...
  12. Downes

    Getting Ready

    July 20, 2021. This is the gravel bike, stripped down and ready for cleaning (I was in the mud this spring). I'll be riding this bike on a long road trip in a few weeks. We went in to Bushtakah to pick up some bikepacking supplies, including especially...
  13. Downes

    Forest Floor

    July 19, 2021. These are tiny tiny flowers found on a forest floor when I was out for my ride today (I used the macro lens to get the shot). I have no idea what they are, but I like them. 58 hard fought kilometers today in steamy summer weather to Vars...
  14. Downes

    Frong on a Log in a Bog

    July 18, 2021. We went to Petrie Island on the Ottawa River for our hike today, a little more than 6 km but with a lot to see and photograph. First time I've been there, but I'll be sure to return. Super-nice photo set, available here.
  15. Downes


    July 17, 2021. It's hollyhock season in Avonmore, where I stopped briefly on a leisurely 55 km ride today. The weather was low and damp, but we were only at the edge of the rain system and aside from a few drops I felt nothing at all. First day of vaca...
  16. Downes

    St. Albert Cheese Cooperative

    July 14, 2021. This cheese cooperative is an historical operation making some of the finest cheeses in the world. It's a regular stop on my bike rides. I took this photo to add to the public record via WikiShootMe but it proved utterly impossible to fi...
  17. Downes


    July 13, 2021. We have an outbreak of beetles in the back yard - they're munching on this berry tree along with the willow and the ash. Their bright golden shells glinting in the sun were what caught my eye. Today was mostly a catch-up day, with one me...
  18. Downes

    The Monarch

    July 12, 2021. This solitary monarch butterfly was flitting around our back yard today, obviously interested in our milkweed plantation. It was nice and warm in the sun when I took this photo, but I still had a bit of a post-vaccine headache so I did g...
  19. Downes

    Cardinal in Dead Trees

    July 11, 2021. As seen in Stony Swamp Trail (NCC 25) where we went for an 8 km hike today. The trail varied between a wide bike pathway to a narrow path alternative between roots, stones and mud. Great hike. Felt much better today now that all my syste...
  20. Downes

    Recovery Day

    July 10, 2021. These are mallows in the front yard. I ventured outside today all of 30 seconds to take the photo. Adjusting to my second Covid vaccine took the rest of the day as my immune system kicked into high gear, making me tired, sore and head-ac...
  21. Downes

    Julia Looking Out

    July 8, 2021. This is Julia checking out the bird life in the back yard. Worked on a paper today but I'm finding it a struggle to write. I've decided, I think, that I need a vacation - so, one more week or work and then that's it for the summer. https:...
  22. Downes

    Inside Emma’s Mouth

    July 9, 2021. Emma and Char were snuggled together in the box, which by itself was a great photo, and then Emma decided to raise the stakes. Today I got my second vaccine, bought a power bank, and attended a longish meeting in the afternoon. https://fl...
  23. Downes


    July 7, 2021. We have dedicated almost our entire back yard to milkweed in an effort to help the monarch butterflies. It doesn't seem to be helping. They were numerous two years ago, but much fewer last year, and this year I've only seen a couple. None...
  24. Downes


    July 6, 2021. These are daylilies growing in the back yard (we also have some in front) and they grow wild all over this area. I took this photo after a quick bike ride to St. Albert and back. Finished a paper draft today; it still needs a lot of work,...
  25. Downes

    Egg and Bacon Flower

    July 5, 2021. This is our front lawn, right next to the driveway, an assortment of wildflowers that looks nicer than any manicured lawn. Took a rest day after all the cycling and walking on the weekend, let my sore muscles heal, and focused on working ...
  26. Downes


    July 4, 2021. Many nice photos today, but this chipmunk wins the day only because there were so many on our walk we were actually tripping over them! This was out on the Lime Kiln trail in the western Greenbelt, which ranged from forest to beaver dam t...
  27. Downes


    July 3, 2021. The thistle is probably the most appropriate image for my ride today which took me on a 107 km loop through the north of Glengarry county, stopping in Dunvegan, Alexandria and Maxville. I pushed against the wind the first 50 km out there,...

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