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  1. Downes


    July 2, 2021. This is the scene on a country road just west of Maxville. I took a lot more care before leaving on my ride today, making sure I had two spare tubes, a proper pressure gauge, batteries charged, etc. and had a much nicer ride. It was prett...
  2. Downes


    July 1, 2021. South and west of Finch is the former town of Sandtown, once the site of sand quarries, now mostly peaceful agricultural land. This piece of equipment is a reminder of the early days. I had a tough 70 km ride today, complete with a flat, ...
  3. Downes

    A Pair of Finches

    June 30, 2021. These are male and female purple finches enjoying our new feeder. Days like this I wish I had a better lens to capture them. But I'm still pretty happy with this photo. I did a little work on my paper and learned that while one A&W m...
  4. Downes


    June 29, 2021. This is the Castor River where it meets the Nation River just west of Casselman. It was a perfect day for a bike ride today, and after repairing my flat yesterday I went for a brisk loop to St. Albert. My paper is also progressing well. ...
  5. Downes


    June 28, 2021. This is a telecom truck out front running cable. Is it fibre? What else could it be? No idea. Ironically, I'm also testing a modem for TechSavvy, which means that the internet signal was interrupted at exactly the time the truck was out ...
  6. Downes


    June 27, 2021. This is grass as seen from the bathroom window in the basement. I like the way we see the clouds behind it. Still working on papers. I'm not actually posting this until a few days later - you can get a sense of my state of mind by how I ...
  7. Downes

    New Feeder

    June 26, 2021. Andrea says this is a type of finch, because of the shape of the bill, and although it looks like a sparrow I am inclined to agree. It's probably a female, and might be a purple finch. Anyhow, as you can see, we have a new feeder, one sp...
  8. Downes


    June 25, 2021. This is Julia, still recovering from having a tooth removed, but of a better demeanor than she has been recently (though that might be the drugs speaking). She's eating (soft food) well and seems pretty active, so it's all good news. Did...
  9. Downes


    June 23, 2021. These are mallows blooming on our front lawn beside the driveway, take after I returned from another short after-work bike ride. While in St. Albert I discovered my rear tire was soft; the small hand pump I've been carrying around more m...
  10. Downes


    June 22, 2021. This is Charlemagne licking his nose as seen through the wide-angle lens. Today my focus was less on work and more on cats as Julia spent the day at the vet getting a tooth removed - it grew in all curved and was tearing at the inside of...
  11. Downes

    Little Castor River

    June 21, 2021. This is the view looking down from the bridge over the Little Castor River about 5km east of town. I've vowed to get out more during the week after spending the last three weeks not really getting out at all at lunch or after work. This ...
  12. Downes

    Young Chickadee

    June 20, 2021. I'm guessing this is a young chickadee, based on the colouring and the mottled feathers. We spotted this and much more during our hike today on Stony Swamp Trail, in Ottawa's southwest. First time we've been there, and it's really quite ...
  13. Downes

    Life in a Small Town

    June 19, 2021. Today was windy and not very pleasant for a bike ride but I put in 66 km anyway just to enjoy scenes like this, a typical day at a typical diner in small town Ontario.
  14. Downes


    June 18, 2021. You can see what sort of weather we had today by these leaves from the front lawn. I like to get a Friday ride in before my Saturday ride (Sundays are reserved for hiking with Andrea) but it wasn't happening this week. I did finally get ...
  15. Downes


    June 17, 2021. These are crabapples developing in our tree in the back yard. This is easily the best season our beleagured little tree has had. Another long meeting today which was moderately interesting, as well as a continuation of the Twitter debate...
  16. Downes

    Inside the Milkweed

    June 16, 2021. I have some better photos of a milkweed (a href=" this) but I really like this accidental look at what's going on inside it, from the milkweed bugs getting it on to the ant in one of the buds. Our backyard is filled...
  17. Downes

    A Weed

    June 15, 20921. I asked Andrea what this is and she said 'a weed', which I suppose is technically true, though I think it makes a great photo. Today was another rainy day and I'm still having issues getting productive, though there was a morning meetin...
  18. Downes

    Bird on a Wire

    June 14, 2021. It was a thunderstorm day today, as evidenced by this bird balancing on the tangle of wires being buffeted by the wind in front of the house. It's a young robin, just hatched this year, still a bit rough around the edges. My major accomp...
  19. Downes


    This is a dragonfly (six-spotted skimmer) from the Reveler Conservation Area, where we went for a short hike this morning. I'm a little stiff from yesterday, but not really very stiff at all. Today was spent watching the ball game and working with phot...
  20. Downes


    June 12, 2021. This is the United Church in Kars, which is a village across the Rideau River from Osgoode. Kars was the furthest point of my 135 km bike ride today. It's a very quiet community but without any real services, aside from neighbourhood chu...
  21. Downes


    June 11, 2021. This is Emma photographed up close withthe macro lens. This is the last of my days on European time as I close out my involvement with the FairsFair book sprint. I also had the time this morning (aka noon European time) to do a quick rid...
  22. Downes


    June 10, 2021. This is the top end of a stalk of grass on the front lawn. We mow the lawn... but not all of the lawn. Today was the last FAIRsFAIR meeting, and then was followed by several hours of AiP program kickoff meeting, during which I got some c...
  23. Downes


    June 8, 2021. This is a birdfoot trefoil along with the tail end of some green insect I don't recognize. I capture a lot of insects on these flower photos, which is funny, because I never see them when I'm actually taking the photo. Same as yesterday: ...
  24. Downes


    June 9, 2021. I think this is some sort of ragweed, though I can't be sure. It's growing alongside the driveway. Still on European time and missing being out in the beautiful summer weather. Though I did get to drive Andrea to the dentist. https://flic...
  25. Downes


    June 7, 2021. This is fleabane, which can be found on both the front and back lawn. I like it, though I guess it's a weed. I've been working on JSON import-export, but as is so often the case, I needed to fix something to make it work, then to fix some...
  26. Downes

    Vankleek Hill

    June 5, 2021. These owls watch over Vankleek Hill, the destination for my first long bicycle ride of the year, 103 km for the round trip. I started just after 6 am (which made it just after 12 European time) and was home before the worst of the heat in...
  27. Downes


    June 3, 2021. This is another attempt to photograph a cat with the macro lens. They don't like to sit still for photos, but Charlemagne held this post just long enough. Still on European time, but spent the full work day working on data exports from gR...
  28. Downes


    June 4, 2021. Got out for a quick 25 km ride after work today and photographed these daisies. Today was another FAIRsFAIR meeting on European time, and I focused more on letting things go and learning what I can from the experience, which resulted in s...
  29. Downes


    June 2, 2021. There's a lot going on in the humble clover. This specimen was found in the bright sunshine on the front lawn. It survives in a harsh environment by keeping low to the ground, and yet is surprisingly nourishing and occasionally lucky. Tod...

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