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  1. Downes

    Tiny Pink Flower

    June 1, 2021. This is a tiny tiny pink flower growing in the shade at the very back of our in our back yard. It is a bit wider across than a blade of grass. Today was my first day on European time as I was up early for a 4:00 a.m. meeting, the first of...
  2. Downes


    May 31, 2021. If it weren't for cat photos, photo of the day wouldn't exist. This is me trying to get a cat picture with the macro lens - as you can see, I didn't get that close. It was the best I could do after a full day focused on writing code to ex...
  3. Downes

    Unknown Purple Flowers

    May 29, 2021. I have no idea what these purple flowers are. I saw them on the side of the road near the eastern Larose forest on a bike ride, and they were striking (I took a number of photos). Then, from the same location (basically standing in the di...
  4. Downes


    May 30, 2021. This is a view of Larose Forest west, the first time we've walked along this hiking trail near Limoges. It did not disappoint, especially with some rare ladyslippers evident along the trail. Here's the full set:
  5. Downes

    Tiny White Flower

    May 28, 2021. This is a tiny white flower growing near the back of our back yard (see the blades of grass as a size comparison), This photo replaces the one I actually took of the same flower on Friday, because I accidentally deleted it. I spent all da...
  6. Downes

    Inside the Rose

    May 27, 2021. This is looking down into a parking lot rose at the Timmies in Gloucester. Just a short walk today; my lower ab muscles are still bothering me. The highlight for the day is the Jay-Yankees double header (still on as I type this). https://...
  7. Downes

    On the Hill

    May 26, 2021. I don't know what this flower is but I found it on a forested hill overlooking the Nation river on my short daily walk. Today was a bit of a wash as I struggled with some code to make my find function work properly. This should be easy, b...
  8. Downes

    Insect Inn

    May 25, 2021. I spotted this tiny lodgings for insects along the road just outside Limoges on my longest bike ride of the year. In all I put in 55km wrapped around a short visit to see family in Embrun (and yes, they're doing fine). I'm still very brui...
  9. Downes

    Mother Mallard and Chicks

    May 24, 2021. We spotted this mallard on our hike in Pinhey Forest North today (Greenbelt trail 31, near the Nepean Sportsplex). Ironically, it's the only photos I shot without using the new macro lens. But that's OK, there are many beautiful shots on ...
  10. Downes

    Maidenhair Fern

    May 23, 2021. This is at the far back of our back yard, where it's shady and damp. I took it with the macro lens but it's large enough the 50 would have done just as well. We were planning to hike today but being tired and sore I figured we should post...
  11. Downes

    Lilacs and Bee

    May 22, 2021. I was out today taking photos of small things, including this bee on some lilacs near Reveler Conservation Area. I'm getting better with the new macro lens, but like everything it takes practice. You can see them all here. Went for about ...
  12. Downes


    May 21, 2021. The macro lens arrived today and this is one of my first few shots with it, our resident toad in the back yard. Today was supposed to be a vacation day, but it was all messed up because I didn't get enough sleep, missed a meeting that had...
  13. Downes

    Ash With Beetle

    May 20, 2021. If you look carefully you can see a beetle knee-deep in the white flowers. This is the ash in our back yard. Yesterday's bike ride left me a little sore so I took the day off today but should be back out tomorrow - I'm taking a couple of ...
  14. Downes

    Shelf Fungus

    May 19, 2021. This is a fungus growing on a cut tree near a small unnamed creek just north of St-Albert. I was able to retrieve my bicycle today from the Russell Fire Station and felt well enough to do a loop to St-Albert and back. I've been pretty pro...
  15. Downes

    Inside Tulips

    May 18, 2021. This is a look inside our tulips on the front lawn. It was taken with my new 50 mm lens, a replacement for the one destroyed in my crash on Saturday. The photo also benefited from a polarized filter, HDR and Topaz Denoise AI. After all th...
  16. Downes


    May 17, 2021. This is the weir on the Nation Rivcer at Casselman. I took a 2km hobble there and back this afternoon to try to work my aching muscles back into shape. Today started out with back-to-back meetings first thing, then I got some project writ...
  17. Downes


    May 16, 2021. The lilacs in the front yard are almost in full bloom. This might have been my 50mm lens's last photo, as it appears to have been a victim of yesterday's crash - the glass just popped out; I pushed it back in to take the photo, but it's n...
  18. Downes

    Farm Equipment

    May 16, 2021. It was a beautiful warm sunny Saturday, perfect for a bike ride. I thought I might visit family; there was no answer when I called so I figured I'd swing around Russell and see if they were in on the way back. I never made it past Russell...
  19. Downes

    Apple Bouquet

    May 14, 2021. I liked the way this small cluster of apple blossoms were set against the trunk of the tree. This was taken on a short walk during a Costco trip. I had a couple of meetings today and did some project writing, along with the usual newslett...
  20. Downes

    Apple Blossoms

    May 13, 2021. I was sure a couple years ago that the crabapple tree was not long for this world, but it has rebounded and this year has given us a spectacular blossom. I finished up the autopost feature today (which was more complex than I would have l...
  21. Downes

    Little Castor River

    May 12, 2021. I was able to get away for a brisk bike ride at the end of the day. This is the Little Castor River where it crosses a back road near Casselman. Today was Andrea's vaccine day, so now we're both partially protected (second jabs for both o...
  22. Downes

    Pink Trillium

    May 11, 2021. I saw a number of pink trilliums in Forest Park today on a bike ride after work (which for the record was cold and wet). Got some paperwork done this morning and wrote a blog post this afternoon; a good day overall. The 30 km bike ride in...
  23. Downes


    May 10, 2021. These tiny flowers (see blades of grass for comparison) grow all over our front lawn and back. Far better than plain grass! Today started with a presentation to EDEN, and in the afternoon I wrote a section for a report on AI for learning ...
  24. Downes

    The Trail Looks a Little Wet

    May 9, 2021. We went for a hike in Pinhey Forest South today and found parts of the trail a little, um, wet. We had to trek through the brush to detour around this flooded bit. Still, it was a nice day, only a little rain and we found a lot of variety ...
  25. Downes

    Hidden Gem

    May 8, 2021. Riding in the rain on gravel today I discovered this hidden gem behind a cedar hedge half way between Tayside and Moose Creek. It's on a little back road called Norman Drive, and there are several other beauties along this rode. Overall, w...
  26. Downes

    The Cap

    May 7, 2021. This is my well-worn Blue Jays cap sitting on the shelf behind my chair at the kitchen table. As you can see, the cats use that shelf a lot. Kind of a busy day today, all indoors, as I did a meeting and got actual working versions of gRSSh...
  27. Downes

    Apple Blossoms

    May 6, 2021. These believe it or not were in the parking lot at a Tim Hortons. Nice day, a little cool, but good enough for a short walk. Did a disastrous video in the morning, then spent the afternoon figuring out what went wrong in the morning. Yes, ...
  28. Downes

    Crabapple Blossoms

    May 5, 2021. The crabapple tree in the back yard has appeared to have regained its health and looks like it will give us a full tree of blossoms this year. If the photo appears a bit dark it's because it was taken outdoors on another cold, wet and grey...
  29. Downes


    May 3, 2021. It was chilly and rainy all day but the tulips in the front yard added a nice splash of colour to the outdoors. I meanwhile spent the day chasing down a stupid Javascript problem that came out of nowhere to afflict my web project. It's lik...

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