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  1. Downes


    March 29, 2024. Grackle in a tree about 100 yards from me, photographed while sitting in my office chair holding the camera (with the big lens) by hand. Just messing around a bit to test different ways of using it. Most of the day I spent reading arti...
  2. Downes

    The Sun

    March 28, 2024. This is the Sun, photographed in late afternoon using my solar filter. There's a bit of horizontal cloud and a sun spot visible. I'm preparing for the Eclipse coming up soon. Learned so more things, specifically, that the camera produc...
  3. Downes


    March 27, 2024. Barn, as seen on my bike ride (nice day, finally). It followed a day of meetings and puttering. Typical spring day.
  4. Downes

    Epsilon Base

    March 25, 2024. This is Epsilon Base, my newest home in No Man's Sky, the video game I spend far too much time playing. In between bouts of playing the game I worked on restoring my web site and getting the newsletter software running again. https://f...
  5. @aliboo1432

    DGST 395: Week 10 Summary

    Impressions of AI: Sophia, one of the most influential AI characters, was created by Hanson Robotics in 2016. When Hanson Robotics first developed Sophia in 2016, I remember its impact on myself and many individuals around me. Sophia is incredibly human-like; from what I remember, it was one of the first robots with these modern...
  6. natalie

    Salsa and Valentine’s Day in Dublin

    ?listen to the audio on ?  from the book i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch In the evening Avoka went to a Salsa class at the River Bar. They offered dance classes from beginner to advanced almost every night. It was a great atmosphere and she met a Spanish girl who also was waiting… Continue reading Salsa and Valentine’s Day in Dublin
  7. Downes


    March 23, 2024. The Moon, as seen from our backyard. Photographed using the 600 mm lens. Not as sharp and clear as I would like - I learned a couple things, though it was too cold to go back and try again. I managed to get my website back up today, af...
  8. Downes


    March 22, 2024. Print by someone known as 'Ryan 100' in our room at the Brookstreet. I liked it, through it looked like it was water damaged. It was still the best art in the room. Worked through the morning, drove home at lunch (much easier!) and spe...
  9. Downes


    March 21, 2024. We went to the hockey game, unusual for a Thursday, but I worked from home, then we drove in, checked in at the Brookstreet Hotel (still not a problem-free check-in), and took the shuttle to the game. This is far easier (and safer!) th...
  10. dogtrax

    World Poetry Day: Finding A Poem

    For World Poetry Day, the daily prompt at DS106 Daily Create was to explore poetry of endangered languages. I went black-out with mine, using a collection and some text from the editor. A simple idea: collect poems in endangered languages Help document how poetry exists The conversations and encounters with poets from all over the […]
  11. Downes


    March 19, 2024. A look back at the back side of the office where I work. Had an interesting discussion on intelligence and worked to fix my site. That's about it. Still cold.
  12. @aliboo1432

    DGST 395: Week 9 Summary

    Week 9 has seen the mid-term evaluation and the introduction of our next “node” on artificial intelligence. In this week’s summary, write about how you approached the self-evaluation, reflect on what you’ve noticed about artificial intelligence in fiction and film and how that compares with what you’ve learned about the realities of AI. Consider how...
  13. Downes

    Canada Goose

    March 17, 2024. We went out to the Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary today for a short walk in the rain and snow pellets to take photos of birds. Even with the big lens, it's still pretty hard to do. Other than that, today was a work day. https://...
  14. natalie

    First day at East Point

    ?listen to the audio on ?  from the book i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch Tuesday morning Avoka took the bus towards East Point. She got off the arena bus stop and walked along the busy port road, passing the Yahoo building, and carried on till she arrived at the business park. She… Continue reading First day at East Point
  15. Downes


    March 13, 2024. This is a decoration inside Feleena's, a Mexican restaurant across from the bike shop. They had to drill out the broken bit of extender in order to fit my bike pedals back in. I also paid a visit to an accountant to get started on taxe...
  16. Downes


    March 12, 2024. This is a spot alongside a road a shade under 10 km away from home. It's where I was stranded when the pedal on my bicycle broke off and went flying. It wasn't the pedal that broke, it was just an extender. Took a taxi home. Still - ev...

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