Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92860 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. rowan_peter (Rowan Peter)

    DS106RADIO bumper – spoken by Dr Oblivion

    When I say I’m in love with #DS106RADIO, you better believeI mean I’m in love with #DS106RADIO. L-U-V. You know, #DS106RADIO is the radio station I’m going to marry. I hope. Because of this giant-sized love, I’m super stoked to learn that #DS106RADIO features as part of Week Four: The sound of science activities for […]
  2. dogtrax


    This was my response to the DS106 Daily Create prompt yesterday, about naming that time between sleep and wakefulness. I often wake with snippets of song lyrics in my mind. (I had submitted the prompt after reading an interest post of sharing by someo...
  3. rowan_peter (Rowan Peter)

    What’s in your bag?

    Your purse, bag, packpack, murse, whatever, is your constant companion throughout your adult life. What are the essentials in your bag that get you through the day? Take a picture of the items and detail each of them with a description. Here’s my everyday carry. Emptying out my bag and placing all the essential items … Continue reading What’s in your bag? ?
  4. Downes


    February 1, 2024. These are some of my Wittgenstein books on the shelf in my office. I think about them often, partially for the ideas, and partially for who Wittgenstein was. He is the one I think about when I ask myself what sort of philosopher I sh...
  5. Downes

    Tuna Time

    January 31, 2024. Lunch time at the home office. These two know what that means: it's time for a tuna treat. That's Julia on the left, more reserved and skittish, and Emma on the right, eager, energetic, and ready to pounce. Most of my focus was on my...
  6. Downes


    January 30, 2024. This is a statue of Ganesh in my home office, a reminder of my visit to India in 2012. The helmet is a souvenir from an Argos football game in 2014. Practising with my 50mm lens (the lens cap arrived today). Way too much iso but at l...
  7. Downes

    The Railway Bridge

    January 29, 2024. This is the railway bridge through Casselman, as seen today on my daily walk ('daily', like 'AI', is more aspirational than real, but I persist in trying). This view is, of course, completely obscured in summer. Back with the 24-200 ...
  8. @aliboo1432

    DGST 395: Week 2 Summary

    The term “metaverse” was something that I heard a couple of times before this course, but this week helped me expand my knowledge on the topic. While my table and I were discussing different software that fall into the category of metaverse, we stumbled upon an interesting conversation. Before discussing various parts of the metaverse,...
  9. natalie

    Nights out, Charity & boat trips

    ?listen to the audio on ? A week later, Pippa was sitting on her study project a case study for a new female tech gadget while clicking some likes from Tess party pictures and a sunny day on her cruise. The pictures looked amazing and she could almost get jealous, but Tess really deserved this… Continue reading Nights out, Charity & boat trips
  10. Downes

    Odd Bunch

    January 27, 2024. These are vegetables that were delivered to my home today by a company called Odd Bunch. It's a subscription delivery service that finds vegetables that are either too odd or too old to be sold in grocery stores and sells them to cus...
  11. rowan_peter (Rowan Peter)

    Create your own room – acoustic anechoic chamber

    The Create your own room assignment, is about doing exactly that. Ever thought of creating your own dream room? Now you can! Using AI create pinterest find rooms, furniture, colors etc. From there write a blog post about why you chose everything! This is your dream so make it as crazy and out of the … Continue reading Create your own room – acoustic anechoic chamber ?
  12. rowan_peter (Rowan Peter)

    Mimicry is the best form of flattery – Mondrian Melbourne

    For the Mimicry is the best form of flattery assignment, use a vector or raster graphic software to mimic your favorite artist work but use your own design. Doing my best to bring a Mondrian-esque Composition with Red Blue and Yellow to the iconic Flinders Street Railway Station in the City of Melbourne. My image … Continue reading Mimicry is the best form of flattery – Mondrian Melbourne ?
  13. rowan_peter (Rowan Peter)

    Books for Everyone (including animals and the machines) #dailycreate #tdc4396 #ds106

    This 1929 poster is from the Library of Congress archives on Flickr. Let’s do an update (maybe most needed now more than ever in the era of banned books in the US). Make your poster or meme more modern but keep the love of books alive in your art. My poster was generated with … Continue reading Books for Everyone (including animals and the machines) #dailycreate #tdc4396 #ds106 ?
  14. Downes

    Office Lamp

    January 26, 2024. This is the hanging lamp in my office. It's the first photograph from my new 50mm Z-mount lens. Every photographer needs a 50, and with a new camera came the need for this new lens. It goes down to f1.8 which makes it really good for...
  15. rowan_peter (Rowan Peter)

    AI-based Dr Oblivion now available at Oblivion University

    I’m a long-time fan of Dr Oblivion, especially his well timed-tenure throughout the Summer 2011: The Summer of Oblivion. It’s been over a decade since we’ve seen him With over a decade since we’ve seen Dr Oblivion, I was heartened to recently learn that Dr Oblivion is now a member of the teaching staff offering … Continue reading AI-based Dr Oblivion now available at Oblivion University ?
  16. Downes

    Focus Bracketing

    January 25, 2024. These frozen cedars in my hedge are my first attempt at photo bracketing. To do this, you have your camera take multiple images, each focused slightly differently, then you combine them into a single image. In theory, photoshop does ...

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