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  1. @jwcpsc

    Video Assignment: Favorite Actor/Actress Highlight Reel

    So I was flipping through the video assignments to try and find one last assignment to do for this week when I saw one. I immediately thought of Ryan Reynolds because his dry humor matches mine perfectly and he never fails to make me laugh. So with my person in mind I started to look ā€¦
  2. @jwcpsc

    Video Assignment: Point of View

    I know in the assignment bank says this video is only supposed to be a minute and a half long but for some reason I really wanted to do this assignment and record myself making breakfast. I donā€™t even normally eat breakfast but that was the idea I wanted to roll with so thatā€™s what ā€¦
  3. @jwcpsc

    Video Assignment: What I Eat In A Day

    I am a snack type person, I find myself always munching on something no matter if Iā€™m hungry or not, so when I saw this video assignment in the bank I thought it would be perfect for me. That day was honestly a light munching day but whatever and I just so happened to have ā€¦
  4. @jwcpsc

    Video Assignment: Fake Propaganda Video

    Jesus Christ. The amount of offensive propaganda on the internet is crazy. I tried to find some non offensive pictures to promote recycling and convince people to start. I think I have a pretty good video to convince people to start recycling. I donā€™t really have much more to say because Iā€™m still traumatized from ā€¦
  5. @jwcpsc

    Video Assignment: Save the Sloths

    This assignment was originally titled ā€œSave The Sea Turtlesā€ but I decided to remix it and do ā€œSave The Slothsā€ because sloths are one of my tied favorite animals and I feel like there is less recognition for sloths than there are sea turtles. Pygmy Three-Toed Sloths are a critically endangered member of the sloth ā€¦
  6. @jwcpsc

    Video Assignment: Observe Something Grow

    I did this assignment on something very emotional for me. My dog died about two months ago and Iā€™ve been avoiding looking at all the pictures I have of her on my phone because its still hard for me. I thought this would be a good chance to piece together a video of her good ā€¦

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