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  1. @madeleine_ds106

    Spy Movie Trailer

    For this assignment, I was suppose to make a movie trailer. The assignment bank displayed it as a ‘western’ theme, but I thought I would change it to fit the class’ theme. I decided to make a movie trailer based on my character, Margo Humphrey. In the movie Margo is a secret agent in WWII having to avenge the death of her best friend at the hands of the Nazi Germans. One of the other requirements on the assignment was to use a white board to make the trailer. I used the white board on the fridge in my apartment. I propped my computer on top of it so I could follow along with the rough script I wrote to go along with it. I recorded it on my phone and then uploaded it to iMovie, the worst video editing app I have ever used, and used the voice memo app on my phone to record the voice over. I really wanted to add sound effects to make it look more like a movie trailer, but iMovie crashed every time I tried to import a clip.

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