1. thejasondunbar

    “Sun Day”The Daily Create Assignment – Shape PictureI have never…


    “Sun Day”

    The Daily Create Assignment - Shape Picture

    I have never thought of myself as a creative/artistic individual. When I made a comment to one of my instructors that I didn’t have an artistic bone in my body, the instructor told me “if you have a soul, they you have creativity within you” (Thanks @johnpaulsharp).

    As I perused through some of the Daily Create assignments submitted this week within DS106, I realized that people were having fun with their creations rather than simply completing an “assignment”. When I think of fun I think of the times I spend with my family - Disneyland, San Diego Zoo, parks, etc - and how their happiness brings me joy. This artwork is dedicated to them.

  2. amalthea13

    Games & Learning

    For the last four months, I've been pretty quiet on my blog...but I have been writing quite a bit in other places. My classes this semester proved to guide my development of new skills, and also gave me the opportunity to reflect on different facets of my life. Games & Learning was an opportunity for me to examine various issues related to gaming and educational philosophy. My understanding of how games and game based learning can engage and empower individuals has grown exponentially. For those
  3. amalthea13

    Games & Learning

    For the last four months, I've been pretty quiet on my blog...but I have been writing quite a bit in other places. My classes this semester proved to guide my development of new skills, and also gave me the opportunity to reflect on different facets of my life. Games & Learning was an opportunity for me to examine various issues related to gaming and educational philosophy. My understanding of how games and game based learning can engage and empower individuals has grown exponentially. For those
  4. lishna68

    Basecamp – A Project Management Tool


    You’ve seen the Star Wars scene. Luke Skywalker chasing after storm troopers in his X-Wing fighter. Blasting them into bright, star-like bits that whiz past his ship in the aftermath of the enemy’s demise. That’s what details look like to me. Bright bits of “no-matter” that I should pay attention to, but can’t quite home in on. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the importance of details. I am just a big-picture kind of gal. I see and understand the world in its unabridged form. From there, I deconstuct at leisure. My uncut approach is at times problematic. It’s a problem when writing code, with data-entry and, well, with project management. When I consider all the little pieces that go into a project, my eyes glaze over, and I drift off to a more pleasant, intact place. Fortunately, the world consists of those who love details. Such fine individuals created Basecamp.

    Basecamp is a project management tool for the detail-challenged.The creators organized the information with an inverted pyramid in mind. Each project begins in all its big-picture glory.  The opening page greets the project manager with a clean, easy-to-scan screen. Only the most important elements are visible: recent discussions between members, to-do list, files list, and text documents list. The developers even included a Latest Project Updates link. This allows the PM to scroll through just the current happenings (slick!). From the main page, the administrator may dive down, layer by layer, to the grittiest little spec of a specific.

    I love Basecamp. Project management intimidates me because I know I miss details. And, let’s face it, the devil truly is in the details. Basecamp de-clutters those pesky particulars. It tames them. Making them manageable for the aggregate-leaning mind.
  5. nubowski

    Some Thoughts on 20Time

    After trying out 20time this year, I’ve seen some great things, but I have also encountered a few struggles. I have collected a few of my 20time thoughts below. If you have other 20time observations that you would like to add, contact me at @denverubow on Twitter so I can add them to my post. […]
  6. nubowski

    Some Thoughts on 20Time

    After trying out 20time this year, I’ve seen some great things, but I have also encountered a few struggles. I have collected a few of my 20time thoughts below. If you have other 20time observations that you would like to add, contact me at @denverubow on Twitter so I can add them to my post. […]
  7. edwyer10

    Social Media Changes the World

    It amazes me how much social media impacts our world today! The following video is an example of the impact of sites like Facebook in our world today. I watched this video and it inspired my blog response below. Please watch! This is a perfect example of a POSITIVE use for social media. Being a […]
  8. nubowski

    Teenagers & Social Media: Do We Expect Too Much?

    I have begun to notice that many of my students have lost the ability to feel shame for things. I’ve heard students celebrate failing grades on tests, getting caught cheating on homework, and other previously taboo topics. I wonder if today’s teenagers’ lack of shame relates to their notion of privacy in an online setting. […]
  9. nubowski

    Teenagers & Social Media: Do We Expect Too Much?

    I have begun to notice that many of my students have lost the ability to feel shame for things. I’ve heard students celebrate failing grades on tests, getting caught cheating on homework, and other previously taboo topics. I wonder if today’s teenagers’ lack of shame relates to their notion of privacy in an online setting. […]
  10. edwyer10

    Privacy and Security Online

    I am terrified about privacy in our world of social media. Being a high school teacher I like to keep my social life and my professional life separate. However that is very difficult to do when my students can search my name in Facebook, find my page, and see all my profile pictures without friending […]
  11. thejasondunbar

    Don’t Mess with the Zoho

    Zoho is a robust software company dedicated to helping companies and organizations solve complex problems with web-based solutions. The company also offers a full fledged, web-based Project Management program that enables Project Managers and Instructional Designers to plan, track and collaborate project tasks. What attracted me to this site was the simplicity and ease of… More Don’t Mess with the Zoho
  12. thejasondunbar

    Don’t Mess with the Zoho

    Zoho is a robust software company dedicated to helping companies and organizations solve complex problems with web-based solutions.The company also offers a full fledged, web-based Project Management program that enables Project Managers and Instructi...
  13. edwyer10

    Twitter in the Classroom?

    5 pages that I currently follow on Twitter for my PLN: -Google For Education @GoogleForEdu -Vice @VICE -EdTech Higher Ed @EdTech_HigherEd -eLearning Guild @elearningGuild -EdTech K-12 Magazine @EdTech_K12 I am currently starting a community on Google Communities called “eLearning in Mathematics” created specifically for math educators who want to incorporate more online learning and technology into […]
  14. lishna68

    Not Your Grandma’s Classroom




    Consider the year 1915. What did the average American life look like? Did one enjoy indoor plumbing, electricity, a telephone? Urban dwellers may have but such amenities weren’t standard in every home.  Transport to 2015. Newly minted words like smartphone, iPad, laptop, online and cloud-based make-up our everyday vernacular. The profound change occurred over the course of a century. Yet, with the rapid rate of development in technology observed today, we could see that amount of change in half the time. Such is the world we face.

    The realities of information half-lives, infinite data, and proliferate technologies affect education and learning as well. We are in the midst of a paradigm shift. It requires new ideas, approaches and practices in educational design.  Educating Modern Learners, EML, is a blog site composed of writings that grapple with the 21st century realities of instruction and leadership. The site offers thought-provoking articles on leadership, pedagogy and technology. Titles such as The Language of Leadership and Important New Contexts for Leading and Learning focus on modern learning management. Others, Digital Storytelling and Online Learning Networks and Fostering Independent Learners explore instructional design and technology in the 21st century. Contributors hail from a variety of fields such as program development, technology, journalism, instructional design to list a few. The site offers a wonderful exchange in the ideas that shape the new paradigm. I highly recommend a visit. But, be prepared to shake off any old-fashioned notions of what it means to learn. Sorry, Grandma.

    Like this:


    E-Learning Guild’s TwistMarch 7, 2015In "Blogs"
    coffeeanDesignMarch 3, 2015In "Blogs"

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  15. ekeating

    Are MOOCs the Future of Education?

    You might be asking yourself, what in the world is a MOOC?  You are not alone, until recently I had never heard of them!  A MOOC is a "Massive Open Online Course" and while they are still very new, they seem promising.  There is not a lo...
  16. ekeating

    What’s Up Part 2- Serious Version

    It's the first day of Spring, officially!  While this can be a very fun time of year, it can also be a difficult time for kids.  I don't know about you, but the kids at my school caught wind of Spring fever weeks ago.  We are at the time...
  17. ekeating

    What’s Up Part 1

    There is a lot of talk right now about standardized testing.  My students just finished round one and I am relieved, it is a stressful time for all of us!  Instead of complaining on social media (like I have seen endlessly in the past few wee...
  18. edwyer10

    Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs)

    MOOCs have been a huge topic in the world of education recently, especially in the higher education realm. MOOC stands for “Massive Open Online Course”. With the ease of access to internet and technology MOOCs have become more and more common and utilized more by schools who struggle meeting the student teacher ratio needed. There […]
  19. ekeating

    Dr. Seuss Day!

    Don't forget tomorrow (March 2nd) is Read Across America Day, also known as Dr. Seuss Day! This is a great way to get your kids excited about reading in the classroom or at home, no matter the age. If you want to know more about this exciting day, the ...
  20. ekeating

    Is Quora the New Google??

    Day 2, post 2...doing well so far!  This week I explored a new website that I had never heard of before and wanted to share my thoughts on it.  Quora (https://www.quora.com/) is an open source website (like Wikipedia) where users can ask questions on certain topics and get a variety of answers from people all over the world. Their mission is to share and grow the world’s knowledge.

    I have a few thoughts on this website. I am not one for celebrity gossip or silly YouTube sensations so I was looking for something I could actually find use in and that had some depth to it.  I found Quora and after a bit of exploring, I decided I wanted to sign up explore more.  

    Pros- I really like how you can choose categories and those are the subjects that pop up on your feed.  I also like how you get a variety of responses to questions from people all over. Getting a variety of responses create a wider range of knowledge on the topic. When you watch the news, you get one view, when you read the newspaper, you get one opinion. When you read posts on topics on Quora you’re interested in you get a wealth of different views.  This is especially important if you are interested in politics or a particular research claim in education.

    Home Page on My Account

    Cons- The only issue I see with this is how do you know how credible these people posting are. Some users have a quick profile next to their names which states their credibility or credentials.  I guess it is up to the individual to take things with a grain of salt, as it is on most websites.  

    Applying this tool to the classroom: as an elementary school teacher, I am still trying to find ways to use this tool in the classroom...I'll get back to you on this one. However, for older students, this is a great research tool to get more information on a topic of their choice from different views. While it will not be a credible source (in terms of a research paper to cite in a bibliography), the discussions give students a broader range of information. Students could join and ask their own questions or find a topic someone has already posted. Quora provides a unique, new way to research.

    Current news articles on Quora:


    Tech Insider
  21. thejasondunbar

    Instructional Design and Development Blog


    EdTech Magazine has named IDDblog as one of the 50 must-read instructional technologies blogs in higher education. Contributors of this blog include award-wining instructional designers and EdTech experts within the industry. The blog offers a perspective of teachers and students in relation to instructional design, eLearning, MOOC’s, web tools, and more.

    The blog is maintained by the Faculty Instructional Technology Services (FITS) department at DePaul University.

    Some examples of good articles include:

    What to expect when you’re expecting to teach online

    Story-Telling Tools – Beyond PowerPoint

    Strategies to Enhance Virtual Conversations

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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