1. John Johnston

    By: Stefanie

    I never use g+. I 'm not sure why. I've heard they are collecting a great deal of data, which makes me feel uneasy to use it. However, interesting post! I love the gif!
  2. John Johnston

    By: John

    Alan, I totally share your concerns. I am afraid I might have lost that in a rather rushed post. I wish g+ worked in a different way! say like Disqus can the discussion could be displayed on a blog. I feel that embedding a screenshot in the post here is messy. But, also like you I've loved the energy in this quite small round of ds106. G+ seems a good place to riff. Btw I am an admirer of all three 'characters' in the triple troll.
  3. John Johnston

    By: Alan Levine (@cogdog)

    Touché -- and I am going to take a step back and aim to be more open minded about Google+ for much of what I see as problems could be turned around and said for twitter (much flows by, hard to manage history, search issues). My main concern is if G+ or twitter becomes the only place people put the media they create. We lose the reflection, the narration, and also the ability to connect back to things like the assignment bank. Your Wikipedia GIF is a great example of taking a Daily Create in a new, unexpected direction. I have been impressed with the energy of the headless ds106ers who have made G+ an active place, and that is a positive to me. The idea for the Collaboration GIF story, the GIFachrome, the glitchy art all seemed to be things that largely were brewed in that place. And I have to agree that there are some serious considerations to be made about the size of the active group in either of this spaces. Now I am honored to get a Double Triple Troll Quote- if only for being a smart*** in Google plus? +1 #4life
  4. leelzebub

    Letting the Crowd Decide


    I read an article in Wired's business section over the weekend that ran me through a gamut of emotions, from fascination to disgust but leaving me irresistibly reflective, like discovering a new mold that cures colds but destroys your favorite carpet.

    "Meet the Man Who Sold His Fate to Invenstors at $1 a Share". Click it. Read it. Then come back and let me explain my thoughts. ...read more

    The post Letting the Crowd Decide appeared first on Leigh Ellis.

  5. John Johnston

    By: iamTalkyTina

    Hello, True Friend John. Yes, I like this GIF because it is a happy time for all the people and they are dancing, back and forth, back and forth. It is good that you made it small (sometimes small things are just the best, just saying) and still it looks very good and not like a pixie. Even though I like most pixies (they are also small). But if a GIF is too pixie it doesn't work as well. So good for your job on that. Make more GIFs. Like I say, "A GIF a day keeps the doctor away!" or "A GIF a day is a great way to use up a day!" or "If you make a GIF-a-day and keep the doctor away but even if you use up a day making it, then all the other people who see it will be able to look at it and say, good for them for making that GIF today!" Those are just some of my GIF sayings that I say. I have more, but I will save them in reserve for another day, you know, in case you don't make a GIF and need an inspiration or something. Well, bye!
  6. John Johnston

    By: John

    @Tina, thanks, I like my coffee @Rochelle, First one was made on the iphone with giffer, second photos taken with iPhone but gif made in fireworks. Couple of good ipad apps for ds106 stuff, not gifs, superimpose and Photoshop Touch.
  7. John Johnston

    By: Rochelle Lockridge

    Nice John. Thanks for mentioning some new apps too. For some reason I like the second one you made better than the first. Not sure why though. Did you do anything different? Maybe it's just the way you cropped the photo.
  8. John Johnston

    By: iamTalkyTina

    Well, that is a good Wiggle, and I think the coffee has finished percolating or boiling or whatever coffee does when it wiggles in the coffee pot like that. So drink it up. And then the caffeine will make YOU have the wiggles. Ha!
  9. John Johnston

    By: John

    Thanks folks, Bill I was thinking about those images, also of many giffers fascination with guns. I've giffed a fair few guns from movie clips myself. A bit conflicted about that.
  10. John Johnston

    By: Bill Smith

    This is great artistically; the b&w gun contrasted with the colorful flowers, no distracting background. And it's a timeless theme, weapons producing good. Swords into plowshares. I'm reminded of the classic Vietnam war protest of 1967 and the image of flowers being inserted in gun barrels. Brave protesters, nervous National Guards, same generation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flower_Power_(photograph). Flower Power to the People, Right On!
  11. John Johnston

    By: iamTalkyTina

    Hi, True Friend John! You see? That is a much nicer idea of people getting shot with a bouquet of nice, fragrant daisy flowers with a perfume smell and them saying "oh, you got me with flowers" and them smiling instead of them getting riddled with bullets and them being all covered with blood and them saying, "ah, you got me ...." And then they are dead. So that is the power of Flower Power! Well, bye!
  12. John Johnston

    By: iamTalkyTina

    I like that when @jimgroom is in the clouds you can't see his feet and that is good because he doesn't have any. In the original GIF. I like that when you click it makes the music so it is like he is dancing to it and then when you click again it stops but he keeps going because he is so happy in the clouds. I looked at View Source to see how that works and maybe it is just pasted into the URL field for the image but I don't know but I will try it and see if I can get my @jimgroom Let's Do the Time Warp (Again) Did Jefferson Airplane wear make-up like Kiss did or is that just the way they looked? Before they went into Jefferson Spaceship.
  13. John Johnston

    By: Alan Levine

    Wow that train gets around! In the second GIF it is going so fast it's elevated, soaring over buildings. But it's the big Scottish moon shot I like best. Great idea to make it a green screen, the trsin can now go anywhere

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