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So it begins #ds106

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Jim’s doing a class on digital storytelling. The course is open and free. That means we can all play and assume multiple roles. This is going to be fun.

Iconic Clash

Take your two favorite movies. Make one iconic poster. For bonus points use only black and white.

Closet Art

Find the center of disorder in your house. Make it interesting. Make it beautiful. Make it art, if only for a moment1. Take a picture.

Tweet, Tweet, Bang!

Take an already existing tweet2 mash it up with an Audubon painting. Challenge yourself. It doesn’t have to be bird related.

Say It Like the Peanut Butter

Make an animated gif from your favorite/least favorite movie capturing the essence of a key scene. Make sure the movement is minimal but essential. 3.

—All images are from which is pretty much the best place ever.

1 Try not to make it as pretentious as I sound describing it.

2 I will never forgive whoever made that the correct term.

3 Here are some directions on how to do it with free software. Don’t the let the command line scare you.

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