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Web 2.0

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The internet has always been connect in my eyes.  When I read Bryan Alexander and Alan Levine’s article on Web 2.0 I felt they were speaking complete on how the internet is a bet spider web of information.  How everything has one common point and that is the internet itself.  Whether someone gets on the internet through Firefox, internet explore, Google chrome, or Netscape they all have one center goal, to find out information, talk to friends, do a service, ect.  Tim O’Reilly’s post really breaks down what makes Web 2.0 exactly that.  Even though many of my classmates probably feel they were never a part of Web 1.0 I remember using webs to try to make websites back in middles school.  In addition I remember using different counter widgets on my for fun websites but see myself now trying to find ways to get payed on the web.

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