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A California Waterfall: Intro to Digital Storytelling

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Escondido Falls likes just a mile in from the ocean in Malibu, California. Less than an hour hike past a street littered with old Spanish-style mansions overlooking the ocean, a set of three waterfalls fall into tiered pools. I flew out to CA to visit a friend from high school for spring break a few years ago and Escondido Falls was one of the first places we visited. I had though that California was a state I would never be into. People are rich, blond and stupid. Everyone makes their money off reality TV and plastic surgery. No one really works and no one really cares about anything but themselves. Escondido Falls was one of the first places that made me appreciate the beauty of the state. It is pretty huge, so I suppose there’s more to it the the Lakers and The OC, both of which I hate.

So, this is a digital story of our hike into Escondido Falls. I used Shwup, a website for creating different types of photo/video presentations. It’s just a first attempt, and I have 50+ more tries. Hope you enjoy.

Edit: I took the embedded show out because it autoplayed and got annoying. Show can be found here.

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