So originally I was hoping to edit up the Washington Post, but it ended up being too fraught with technology I don’t understand, and I couldn’t get the images to come out right. I decided to do the Drudge Report instead with the same theme (turning all the news to good news). I think that the Post would’ve worked a lot better, just because all the pictures in it give more opportunities to come up with completely new awesome stories. With the Drudge Report, I could do that too, but without an existing picture there was really no reason to go out on a limb most of the time. I ended up just tweaking the headlines a little bit to make them something better (although in some cases they just needed to be completely rewritten – there’s some bad stuff going on in the world right now). Anyway, here are my final products:
With changes:
For the full HTML, use the link below. I’m not sure how other people do it, but I find that copying the HTML into Firebug is a good way to check out the page. (Is that what you’re supposed to do?
Anyway, I’m not totally happy with how this worked out, but now it’s done. On to video!
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