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Writ3577 students & their projects

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This semester Writ3577 (Rhetoric, Technology, and the Internet) students have created great projects that focus on helping others through volunteering and donations.

Group A

This group is collecting donations of CDs and DVDs to send to a local Minnesota National Guard troop stationed overseas.

OperationTroopDonation website

UMN CD/DVD Drop boxes

Drop box set up now in office of Veteran Services in the Science Teaching and Student Services building.

Drop boxes at Coffman Union and St. Paul Student Center will be available March 28 – April 8th.

Group B

Postcards Anonymous and UMinnesotaNice

This group sends anonymous postcards to people who are doing good works throughout the world. Next week is Japan week (they are translating English to Japanese and mailing postcards to people in Japan) followed by Libya week (again, translated and sent to Libya). If you are interested in helping out, please let me know. Since this is an anonymous group, they have to give you permission to their site.

They have also set up a Twitter account for!/UMinnesotaNice to send thanks yous, accolades, and appreciations to others, capitalizing on the idea of Minnesota Nice (and UMN).

Group C

This group has set up multiple sites to record, encourage, and initiate volunteerism at the U. They have participated in the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics and are participating in Meals on Wheels for National Volunteer Week. In addition, they want to know what others are doing to volunteer. They plan on taking pictures, interviewing volunteers, and posting the information to their sites.

Tumblr site:

Facebook site:

Twitter account:!/TurnUpTheVolUMN

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