Dear Future Student of Digital Storytelling,
Upon entering this class you should know a few things. This class requires some what of a previous back ground with computers and a familiarity with web 2.0, a term you will soon be familiar with but chances are you already know more than you think. The hardest part about the class is initially setting up and hosting your blog. The second hardest part is definitely the video section. The reason its hard is mostly because it’s the section of the course where it is the most frustrating to translate something that is so clear in your mind over into the complex syntactical world of the computer where everything needs to be in some format or another and editing the movie is a nightmare, unless you have a mac of course. I was surprised by the classes approach into different sections by: getting speakers to talk to us, giving us interesting relevant readings or just surfing the web in class. A good habbit would be to book mark the web page. It’s a site that you are going to have to refer to a lot and get in the habit of checking a lot.
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