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Mashing in a new direction

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So I was originally thinking about mashing up a trailer and changing the theme using the same scenes. But then I decided it would be more fun to make my own trailer from other movies. I decided to make a trailer for a suspense/thriller type movie, focused on sharks. Its called JAWS IV: DEATH FISH. I wanted it to kind of be a satire on shark movies. Although I have nothing against the original JAWS. Did you know there is a Jaws 3 3D? Me neither. I used my friends imac to do everything. I used movie clips from both vimeo and youtube.Its looking alot more polished than my last video, definitley getting the hang of iMovie. Need to get a mac. Anyways here is the finished product.

yes, I know the end says summer 2010 instead of 2011. It was too late to fix, my friend needed the comp…Also at one point it says “…even those people are safe” when it should say “…even those people are not safe”

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