Ds106 has been the best class that I have ever taken. This might be the first time in my college career that I’ve learned something useful that I won’t forget. I have to admit, when I first read the blog/warnings from the previous students of ds106 I was a little intimidated but excited for the challenge that lay ahead. I’m sooooooooo, so glad that I took it. Martha made the class what it was, it was a pleasure to be taught by her. I recommend everyone take ds106. I learned so much, there were a lot of things in media that I never thought I could possibly do, like putting together a radio segment or editing a movie but I learned to do it and much more. The project that I enjoyed the most was designing a radio segment and bumper. I loved editing in audacity, it felt like I was making art. I would define digital story telling simply as an art, it is the art of taking a story and choosing a media platform to tell it through. I can’t wait to use the things that I’ve learned in this class to help businesses and people develop an online presence. For all future ds106ers, this class will help you explore the creativity you never thought you had.
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