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Installing Plugins And Other Things

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What I saw from installing all these plugins and other things like themes is that it’s actually pretty easy. All you really need is to know what you want, or even an idea of what you want and there is probably already a plugin made for that specific need. All I did was follow Professor Groom’s instructions about going to plugins -> add new and it was cake from there on. I never really realized how easy it was to do things like that on a blog now I’m going to have to start experimenting and seeing what else I can get going on my blog.

As a response to Dr. Oblivion’s question about how many of us have had classes where we can go off and learn and discover new things, personally all throughout high school and into college it hasn’t been very many classes. Teachers were taught to teach classes through direct instruction and in a way that limits how much they allow their students to discover new things on their own. I have had a couple though, so allowing your students to discover new things on their own isn’t a completely foreign concept. Teachers just need to learn to be a “guide on the side” instead of a “sage on the stage”, and when they learn to do that students will be encouraged to go off and learn and discover new things on their own.

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