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My experience with the dailyshoots

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Is anyone learning something out of the dailyshoots? HA HA! Day one was fun, all I had to do was takeĀ  a picture of a heat dish in my room to represent heat in many forms. Day two wasn’t bad either, take a picture of water in different forms? All I had to do wasĀ  go to the bathroom for some inspiration and there it was- my mouthwash, made with water. Day three was exciting, two subjects? I took a trip to my parents bed room and found two teddy bears, one as huge as a bear and the other as little as a dwarf. Okay lets move on to day four. Whew! Quite challenging task considering I am not the most artistic person out there. I tried to draw inspirations from other people’s pictures all to no avail. My mum suggested taking a picture of my little cousin to show that I haveĀ  a different perspective on life. I quickly reminded her that this project is supposed to be a learning experience not aĀ  “whose baby is cuter competition” ha ha. Finally, I walk into the living room andĀ  I see this paintingĀ  of art on the wall and I ask myself wait a minute, this actually makes the living room look very nice and vintage looking. Boom! I found my daily-shoot for the day. Finally!!! I guess what am trying to say is that this project seemed like a waste of time to me in the beginning, but am appreciating it more and more as each day begins and I look forward to what challenge the next daily shoots will throw at me. I guess there is a reason why this class is called digital story telling, it is almost as if we are all beginning a story, taking this class alone is a story that may end after the class ends or even continue on forever. What have your experiences been so far? Share them with me.

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