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On today’s lecture

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Because there’s no way I’m going to be able to do a video response tonight:

The major theme of today, besides the assignments and the upcoming audio, was commenting. I’m usually simultaneously a comment Nazi and comment whore. I love getting comments and giving comments, but I also have almost a compulsion to comment on the comments that I get. The way I see it, if someone takes the time to comment on your work, you almost owe it right back to them to respond. Unless it’s something like “Nice work” – in which case, you should still at least thank them. That said, sure, I’m not doing the best job commenting on others’ work, but my Google Reader extension updates about every 30 minutes and the DS106 blog seems like it has about 10 new posts every time. So it’s overwhelming. And sometimes you’ve got nothing to say. But if you make a note of some stuff you might want to comment on later, you can come back and knock it out a little bit later.

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