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Car I lust for is not extraordinarily fast nor is it expensive but its fun to drive and has the factor of being unique. Thats where my interest in the following car

This is the Suzuki Esteem. I found this picture on this site

This was a car that was available world wide and came many variations but also has somewhat of a cult following. I myself am part of this cult following. The car was sold in Japan as the Cultus Crecent and was sold in the same variations as those across the world. The car is small and compact but because of this its very light weight and is surprisingly quick with a little bit of work. On a small track this car can be on par with those that are much more expensive and more powerful. Having raced in this car in amature races I can attest to this performance, then again, it may just be the driver. :)

its a great and durable car and the abuse many owners put it through, shows just how well it is built. Being seen in many rally competitions it shows well it is built.

This picture came courtesy of Team BHP

Below a video of a AWD model that is very sought after by rally racers as myself as well for a later conversion to RWD. This is a picture of my Suzuki Esteem, though it looks stock its very much not that way. :)

because of the many variations that it was made in, it was a cheap and easy to make rally car. Though aftermarket is not cheap for it, it is a very strong competitor when the time is spent on it.

in progress

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