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Multicultural Exposure

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I’ve been pondering one of the early readings in CMC11 which stated “Multicultural experience enhances creativity.”   Being immersed in cultures other than the one a person was born into, does allow the mind to embrace alternate frames of reference.  And being able to “see” differently is certainly a prerequisite for creativity.  It also has the potential to enhance our ability to communicate, at least to listen, even as it poses a threat to our tolerance for mono-myopia.

Carol Yeager has urged me to share some of my multicultural experience through pictures.  So here you go, Carol and CMC11-ers.

Whati aerial viewEM3 on approachunloading Cessna Caravanplow truck on Marion Lake




We live here





where everything has to be flown into a short gravel airstrip







by small aircraft,





or hauled in on ice roads across frozen lakes in the winter.



tent exteriorcup-a-tea



Our retreat isn’t Florida or Arizona, but just across the bay





where a floor of spruce boughs and a wood stove keep the tent toasty warm



38 below





even when it’s bitterly cold.



pouring tea



Come visit.  I’ll serve tea.



cooking fireskinning caribou



We learned this way of life from the Aboriginal people who adopted us when we arrived in 1983.



They taught us how to harvest in the north,



filleting whitefish





and how to process our own food,







trout headstobacco field & drying shed


and how to enjoy the richest delicacies.





Quite a journey for a boy who lived here for the first seventeen years of his life






traveling like this



horse & carriage



and like this.



cowboy preacher



Oh, did I forget to mention it?
My journey also led through the Canadian Prairies where I photographed rodeos and preached to the cowboys on Sundays.



Photo Gallery – click an image below for a larger view

Whati aerial view
EM3 on approach
unloading Cessna Caravan
plow truck on Marion Lake
tent exterior
38 below
pouring tea
cooking fire
skinning caribou
filleting whitefish
trout heads
tobacco field & drying shed
horse & carriage
cowboy preacher

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