Final Exam Bolg Post: best/worst aspects of the Internet
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Final Exam Bolg Post: best/worst aspects of the Internet
How many people do not use Internet? is that many? I do not think so.
Most of people are using Internet everyday.
Have you ever think what is the best and worst aspects of the Internet?
I will pick up a few best and worst aspects of the Internet.
Now, let’s begin to the best aspects here!! Most of my opinion is proofed by this website
?Search Engines
Now, we have many kinds of search engines.
we can search whatever we want by this, and get information.
For example, Wikipedia is the most common search engines in the world. When you put some words, Wiki shows up information and links. You can click the links, and get more information. This hyper text system and search engines(Which based on the system) is one of the best aspect of the Internet. Image(Search-Engine-Marketing. by Danard Vincents. CCL)
?Online advertising and Business opportunity
Now we have many SNS, and the most famous and common SNS is Facebook. There are many advertisements on the SNS, and some of people start to business with the Ado. That is NEW kinds of business!! According to this site, many companies are using SNS as their advertisement, and most of result is increase in sales.
Oh, We can also find the business for smart-phone application. People create Free(sometimes light ver) and Share, if users like the app, they will buy a share one. also some of people create free app, but make money by ado.
Now here, I will discuss about the worst aspects of the Internet.
?Illegal file sharing Many people sharing files on the Internet. However, many files downloaded illegal. There is a good example: Video2Mp3. When you put youtube video URL, and click convert, this web site converts the video as MP3(and we can download it FREE!!). This is one of the website which can download Youtube video as MP3. There are many kinds of website which can download some music, movie, book, and so on. These are all free, and according to the comic, most of people do not think it is big issue. Now, Let’s see the video bellow. The guy mentions how illegal file sharing is dangerous and big deal. However, He also mentions many people are doing illegal file sharing.
?Online Shopping Most of time, online shopping is mentioned as best aspect of the Internet. However, online shopping cannot see products, so how we can distinguish good product and bed product? According to this video, it explains how online shopping is not always trustful and good for consumers.
This is another example about online shopping in Japan: last year, there was online shopping happening. Some Japanese people reserved Oseti on the Internet. the company sales their Oseti like this picture.
However, what customers got is completely different. The cost of this products was about over $100.
some company swindles on the Internet, but we cannot see and touch the product until we got it in our house. Online shopping is not always the best aspect of the Internet.
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