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So i must definitely say that i enjoyed my first CT class, but i wish i would have gained more from it. As usual there are always the pros and cons about things.. so heres my list of the class overall =)

1. learned how to explore my creativity side
2. professor was cool haha
3. had many options of different projects to choose from.

1. would have wanted to get more of a hand on experience with a camera ( i dont know much about them, but i would have liked to learn !)
2. its only one day a week ( womp womp womp)
3. Some of the demonstrations n how to create some projects weren’t as clear. ( reading the instructions wasnt enough!)
4. wasn’t really structured… idk.. theres alot that i dont like about that..
5. i came in not knowing anything.. it wasn’t easy trying to teach myself things i dont know -_-

Overall, the class wasn’t bad.. but i wasn’t quite satisfied… hmmm

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