So, I am a little uneasy about this blog creation process. I knew I was far from a tech expert but I had some MAJOR trouble setting this thing up. First thing I had to do was find out what a domain name and webhosting even was. After I (somewhat) tackled that, I purchased my domain name from Hover, and webhosting from Cast Iron Coding. 5 calls to assistants from both services, I finally had both set up and running. The only problem then was figuring how in God’s name I was supposed to make this page into a blog. One email later, and I followed step-by-step instructions walking me through the set up. Obviously the first thing I had to do then was spice up the page a little bit (as much as my limited knowledge of blogging allowed me) and add as much pink into my blog as I could figure out how to. And so, here we are, my first REAL blog is set up and ready to go. It was not the most fun process I’v ever gone through, but it was definitely a learning experience. So, let the blogging begin!
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