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Imbalance2 WordPress Theme by WPShower

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Since I was going to be doing it anyway, I figured I’d submit a post for the Web Assignment “Revamp Your WordPress Site” (Web Assignment 327). The assignment is to:

locate, download, install, and activate a WordPress theme that is not offered as an easy install through the WordPress Free Themes Directory.

You can see the results of this assignment live on this very blog already! I chose to go with the Imbalance2 WordPress Theme by WPShower.

Where I found and how I installed the theme can be found further down.

Where did I find the theme?

A favorite site of mine is SmashingMagazine, a blog for web designers and developers. SmashingMagazine periodically reviews WordPress themes and I came across a compilation post that contained this one. I love it and the way it allows you to highlight the main image that represents your post, which seems perfect for ds106.

How did I install the theme?

  1. The first thing I did was to download the theme’s .zip file from the theme page.
  2. Then I logged into my WordPress admin page (the URL is
  3. Then I navigated to Appearence -> Themes.
  4. Then I clicked on the Install Theme tab.
  5. Then I clicked on the Upload link.
  6. Then I clicked on the Choose File button. From here, I found and selected the .zip file I downloaded earlier.
  7. Then I pressed the Install Now button.
  8. The theme then uploaded and WordPress installed it.
  9. Then I clicked the Activate link.
  10. Then I smiled and began customizing the theme a bit under Appearence -> Theme Options.

Different themes have different customization options, so I won’t go over that in detail here, but play around with the theme you’ve downloaded to see what you can do. Feel free to post questions and I’ll see if I’m able to help.

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