When I was little, my Dad created this animal out of his hand called the Gershski dog. The Gershski dog’s one and only goal in life was to sniff out and pursue tickles. Now I am older, have better motor skills, and have had a lifetime of practice creating my own Gershski dog. I have perfected the craft to say the least. The goal of my Gershski, however, is not to sniff out tickles, but to entertain myself and others. My Gershski dog will pop up on tables during mealtimes and even find its way onto the shoulders of my friends. Something that neither me nor my Gershski expected was that people over the age of 6 might hate/be creeped out by it. Often when non-children first see the Gershski dog their immediate reaction is to attempt to murder it with their fists. They slowly warm toward it and eventually see the humor in it, but still remain suspicious. If you ever meet a Gershski dog just know they are friendly species (though some breeds sniff out tickles) and please ignore your instinct to kill it.
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