Coming into this class, I never knew about web 1.0 or web 2.0. I thought the web was the web…but it’s not. Here, I will tell you the difference between both webs.
– It’s very passive: You cannot be active on the web. You can’t personalize it or have discussions.
– There is little room for discussion.
Web 2.0
– Here is where we can make a difference. You can comment and edit the web
-You can create on the web. And personalize yo
ur own space
– It’s a two way street. You can make something
and then edit it and someone else can comment on it.
-It’s a place for discussion and a place to be active
-Student’s can express themselves and use the internet as a resource to find help and build their skills.
Here are some examples of Web 2.0 found in the article: “Web 2.0: Storytelling”
* Blogs
* Flickr
When it comes to choosing which of these webs is better, I choose Web 2.0. It’s a place where we can start of digital lives and create a story of our own. It’s a new innovation to the world and anyone can use it!
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