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Come to Jesus you violin-playing Martians, and bring that lazy British frog lady with you!

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TDC 24: “Steeple”

The First Congregational Church of Ann Arbor at Williams and State, around 11:30 am. This is the steeple? Or the transept? I’m terrible at this church vocab stuff.


TDC 25: __ on the Violin

Recorded for a separate project, just a student warming up his violin, but something about it just seems so lovely esp. as he really starts bowing #humblebrag


TDC 26: “working from home”

After a bad day at work, my wife and I went ahead and burned through all of season one. Good fun. #stiflingbritishpoliteness #unspokenemotions #workingclassvillains

Notice the comfy slippers and the bright sunny day it was outside. #lazyjerk


TDC 27: “You’ve Been Reading My Dream Journal”

Nuff said.


TDC 28: “Crowd of Martians”

That’s just me making noises with my mouth. I kind of like it better without layering the Martians? This is a sentence with a question mark at the end?

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