Copywrites have been around for a long time now, all rights reserved. And while the authors was able to embelish their creativity, what about the rest of us? Creative commones is a new way to claim rights on a piece while allowing others to play around with it at varying degrees. I found it extremely interesting that there are a multitude of lisences that one may get through creative commons, allowing people to play with it at different levels. I really think that this can be great in a classroom; it invites collaborative learning, and creativity! Two of my favorite things all wrapped together. I love this new tool because, as writers, we like to play with words, and ask questions. What if this was changed? How would it affect the meaning? Play, Play Play. However, there are definitely instances when a work, I think, should not be touched. Then go ahead and plain old copywrite it. Where do you stand on this new Creative Commons? The article ( describes the pros and cons about this issue. It is meant to be easy, but there are so many layers to it. How do you feel about copywrite vs. Creative Commons? When should one be used over the other?
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