I can’t believe I forgot to do this. I’ve been spending too much time outside throwing, which shouldn’t be a problem at this time of year. Anyways, for last week’s Daily Creates I started off with the photo of how my day was going.
My day was very relaxing and nice. So I took a picture of me doing what I do when I’m relaxing on a nice day.
I also did the upside-down photo. Or I tried to at least. When I uploaded the photo from my phone I had rotated it upside-down. But I guess Flickr must have righted it.
I just tried to rotate it on here too but it won’t stick. I was originally thinking of going with a “turn that frown upside-down” kind of thing, but my girlfriend can’t hold a frown without laughing so I nixed that idea and went straight for the smile.
That might have been all I did last week. I honestly can’t remember which days go with which creates any more.
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