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Boxcars and Ivy (Color Splash Assignment)

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I was intrigued and impressed with so many of the Splash the Color assignment submissions this week that I decided to take a stab at this for my first few stars.  I used j-rabbit’s tutorial, where he outlines how easy it is to do this in Picnik.  I had a bunch of photos cluttering up my desktop from earlier daily creates and such,  so I picked one of them and got started.

ivy & brick

This was simple in some ways (converting to black & white, then finding the original color brush took all of two seconds), but it was much more difficult to meticulously go over all the spots I wanted colored.  The leaves went fairly smoothly, but coloring in the vines took ages.  Not complaining though; when I was nearly done with this, I had another idea — train graffiti. These were done the same way, but I also upped the contrast and color saturation.

train graffiti #1

train graffiti #2

train graffiti #3

[Flickr photo credit for the original train photos:

Sigh and Oringe are shared under Creative Commons by Great Deku Tree

Train + Graffiti is shared under Creative Commons by juliejordanscott]

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