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To each it’s own.

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After watching the video of Gardner Campbell, “No More Digital Facelifts”, to me it  emphasizes on the value of communication and the english language. To be honest, I was little bored when I started to watch the video and as well as reading the article, but in some sense, I started to wrap my head around it. The image of a facelift focuses on the details of a human face and shows how it looks with different features that people don’t face everyday.  When Gardner Campbell began to show numerous pictures of these different facelifts, it starts to make me question why do people change the way they do. For students to have a domain of their own, it’s this special unique space where they get to be expressive, to sound different, to talk differently, to type in a way they want, more importantly, it’s a space where they are in total control. The “Open Educational Experience” would lets students to still feel like they’re part of a class other than being inside a four-wall room. Virtually, I think it’s a great experience to see how other people would say what they think, because in the virtual world, it actually feels good to know that whatever you want to say, you don’t know who is reading it.

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